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Selección de "nunca" se desactivará el API por completo. Al seleccionar "me pregunta" permitirá a ciertas funciones a ejecutar sin permisos, pero la mayoría requerirá autorización. Selección de "siempre" colocará ninguna restricciones.Activar la almacenamiento localActivar ras de memoriaUsar desplazamiento suaveActivar el audio web Usar WebGLActivar la seguridad webUsar Flash en YoutubePEsto le mostrará la versión, los derechos de autor información y créditos.AyudaEviar surgenciasAñadirUtilizar animacionescAquí se moverán automáticamente y cambiar el tamaño utilizando la animación por las pestañas.Autocompletar URLCuando este opción está activada, Polarity intentará completar automáticamente lo que eres escribiendo sobre la apremiante entrar al mirar en su web y la historia búsqueda.Bloquear anuncios/Esto va a bloquear la mayoría de los anuncios. Administrar,Navegar a la página de inicio cuando abrir.Usar gestos del raton%Siempre visible barra de aplicacionesFavoritos siempre visibles8Utilizar YouTube Downloader (Necesidades reinicializar.)Cancelar Limpiar cacheVLimpia de Polarity sesiones, la historia y las cookies. Esto acelerará el navegador.Eliminar pestañas recientesCEsto borrará el registro de su recientemente pestañas cerradas.CerrarSalir de navegador PolarityCancelarOlvide sesiónkPuede desactivar este mensaje en el menú de ajustes en las preferencias comunes bajo la conducta de cerca..¿Quieres guardar sus pestañas para proximá?Recuerde sesión&* Pestañas Trident no se guardarán . ConfirmarVentana de la consola'Esto abrirá una ventana de la consola.Asesor de contenido)Filtros de contenido visto en el Trident.)Esto abrirá el applet editor de cookies.JDescargar de carpeta (clic izquierdo para visitar, haga clic para editar):(Esto abrirá el editor HTML en Polarity.Esto ver el applet de descarga. Caso-SensibleResaltar las palabras|* Utilice estos ajustes a su propio riesgo. Tenga en cuenta que estos son todos experimental y puede bloquearse Polaridad."Usar el modo de pantalla completa.Reiniciar AjustesDEsto borrará todas sus preferencias, que le da un nuevo comienzo.GPagina Iniciál (clic izquierdo para visitar , haga clic para editar) :ADescargas (clic izquierdo para visitar , haga clic para editar) :5Home Page (left-click to visit, right-click to edit):Archivo de HTML"Esto abrirá los archivos locales."Esto ver el applet de la historia./Importa tus marcadores desde otros navegadoresSeleccione su navegador:0Esto abrirá el probador JavaScript en Polarity.Teclado En Pantalla$Esto abrirá un teclado en pantalla. Vista móvilJEsto hará que el navegador cargar el móvil versión de la página web.Exception Encountered. Restart? Nueva ventanaAbrirá un nueva ventana.OkOrganizar Favoritos de IE/Filtros de contenido visto en el motor Trident. Pegar y irPegar y buscarActualizar pluginsVEsto abrirá una nueva pestaña que lo hará mostrar los estados actuales de plugin.Iniciar PolarPass&Administrar su información de acceso.Iniciar PolarSync*Crea copias de seguridad y restauraciones.Niveles Privacidad5Le permite ajustar la privacidad en el motor Trident.ReinicioHabilite JavascriptJavascript es un lenguaje de scripting que es generalmente inofensivo, pero puede ser un puerta trasera peligrosa para los piratas informáticos. En general, sin embargo, se recomienda mantenerlo en sitios web ya que la mayoría dependen de ello.Activar Flash y JavaIFlash y Java son plugins que proporcionan páginas web más dinámicas.Activar imágenesxEs muy recomendable que usted mantenga esta opción. La mayoría de los sitios web se ven muy confusa y sin imágenes.Modo de compatibilidad PluginwEsto permite que todos los plugins en el sistema para funcionar, mientras que inhabilitando algunas características."Habilitar protección contra virusEs muy recomendable que usted mantenga esta opción. Esta característica ayuda a detectar y para redirigir lejos de un sitio web malicioso. Modo seguro)Abrirá una nueva ventana de modo seguro.Todos UserscriptsObtener Más AppsObtener Más Scripts* Todos los userscripts deben iniciar manualmente a menos Run Todos los Scripts se habilita o un guión ya ha corrió al menos una vez. ** Userscripts deben estar en un formato .txt o .js. *** Reinicie el navegador o actualizar la página para tener efecto. Iniciar scriptCorriendo todos scripts CorriendoParar Todos ScriptsTraducir página webTraducir cualquier sitio web.Opciones Trident(Abre todas las opciones para el Trident.Utilizar personalizada-Eliminar cache/cookies/historial cuando salir/Descargas requieren confirmación para comenzarwCuando esta opción está activada, Polarity siempre le preguntará si desea permitir una descarga antes de iniciarlo.9Confirmar ruta de descarga antes de que comience descargaMostrar faviconsFavicons son los iconos de la mayoría de los sitios web proporcionan. Si esta opción está desactivada, Polarity mostrar el icono de página web genérica para cada ficha.Usar PolarPassUsar Polarity ManagerDeshacer*Esto abrirá el editor de niveles de zoom.Nivel del zoomUsar adblock liteUtiliza menos memoria que AdBlock totales y bloquea los anuncios comunes incluyendo iframes, incrusta, y carpas. (No requiere reinicio).BorrarEliminar todosEliminar seleccionado,Importación favoritos del otros navegadoresNuevo...Recargar RebautizarEditar favoritos...Acciones:Se puede llevar a cabo diversas tareas con Polarity aquí.Preferencias comunesmscorlibSystem.Ref ~U&3A5 z\V4QI{ޅHm  Polarity Stanley Lim"Copyright © 2015 Stanley LimUnleash the web. @_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% 0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0, CommentsPolarity8 CompanyNameStanley Lim< FileDescriptionPolarity0FileVersion7.0.9.0PInternalNamePolarity.resources.dll`LegalCopyrightCopyright 2015 Stanley LimLLegalTrademarksUnleash the web.XOriginalFilenamePolarity.resources.dll4 ProductNamePolarity4ProductVersion7.0.9.08Assembly Version7.0.9.0 `7 ########################################################## # # Default-CGI Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy@@my-hostname@ # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Privoxy Menu:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    e###################################################################### # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/default.action.master,v $ # # $Id: default.action.master,v 1.316 2014/12/19 12:31:10 fabiankeil Exp $ # # Requires : This version requires Privoxy v3.0.11 or later due to # syntax changes. # # Purpose : Default actions file, see # # This file is subject to periodic updating. It is # not supposed to be edited by the user. Local exceptions # and enhancements are better placed in user.action, # the match-all section has been moved to match-all.action. # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2013 the # Privoxy team. # # Feedback welcome, for details please have a look at: # # # The current development version of this file is located: # # ############################################################################# # Syntax ############################################################################# # # A much better explanation can be found in the user manual which is # part of the distribution and can be found at # # To determine which actions apply to a request, the URL of the request is # compared to all patterns in this file. Every time it matches, the list of # applicable actions for this URL is incrementally updated. You can trace # this process by visiting # # There are 4 types of lines in this file: comments (like this line), # actions, aliases and patterns, all of which are explained below. # ############################################################################# # Pattern Syntax ############################################################################# # # 1. On Domains and Paths # ----------------------- # # Generally, a pattern has the form /, where both the # and part are optional. The pattern matching syntax is different for # each. If you only specify a domain part, the "/" can be left out, but it is # required for the path part. # # # is a domain-only pattern and will match any request to # # # means exactly the same (but is slightly less efficient) # # # matches only the document /index.html on # # /index.html # matches the document /index.html, regardless of the domain # # index.html # matches nothing, since it would be interpreted as a domain name and # there is no top-level domain called ".html". # # 2. Domain Syntax # ---------------- # # The matching of the domain part offers some flexible options: If the # domain starts or ends with a dot, it becomes unanchored at that end: # # # matches only # # # matches any domain that ENDS in # # www. # matches any domain that STARTS with www. # # .example. # matches any domain that CONTAINS example # # # Additionally, there are wildcards that you can use in the domain names # themselves. They work pretty similar to shell wildcards: "*" stands for # zero or more arbitrary characters, "?" stands for one, and you can define # character classes in square brackets and they can be freely mixed: # # ad* # matches,, etc but not # # *ad* # matches all of the above # # .? # matches,, etc # # www[1-9a-ez] # matches,,, # etc, but not # # You get the idea? # # 2. Path Syntax # -------------- # # Paths are specified as full regular expressions, and are more flexible than # the domain syntax above. A comprehensive discussion of regular expressions # wouldn't fit here. # # Perl compatible regular expressions are used. See the pcre/docs/ direcory or # man perlre (also available at for # details. The appendix to our User Manual also has some detail. # # Please note that matching in the path is CASE INSENSITIVE by default, but # you can switch to case sensitive by starting the pattern with the "(?-i)" # switch: # #* # will match only documents whose path starts with PaTtErN in exactly this # capitalization. # # Partially case-sensitive and partially case-insensitive patterns are # possible, but the rules about splitting them up are extremely complex # - see the PCRE documentation for more information. # ############################################################################# # Action Syntax ############################################################################# # # There are 3 kinds of actions: # # Boolean (e.g. "handle-as-image"): # +name # enable # -name # disable # # Parameterized (e.g. "hide-user-agent"): # +name{param} # enable and set parameter to "param" # -name # disable # # Multi-value (e.g. "add-header", "filter"): # +name{param} # enable and add parameter "param" # -name{param} # remove the parameter "param" # -name # disable totally # # The default (if you don't specify anything in this file) is not to take # any actions - i.e completely disabled, so Privoxy will just be a # normal, non-blocking, non-anonymizing proxy. You must specifically # enable the privacy and blocking features you need (although the # provided default actions file will do that for you). # # Later actions always override earlier ones. For multi-valued actions, # the actions are applied in the order they are specified. # ############################################################################# # Valid actions are: ############################################################################# # # +add-header{Name: value} # Adds the specified HTTP header, which is not checked for validity. # You may specify this many times to specify many headers. # # +block{reason} # Block this URL. Instead of forwarding the request, Privoxy will # send a "block" page containing the specified reason. # # +change-x-forwarded-for{add} # +change-x-forwarded-for{block} # Adds or blocks the "X-Forwarded-For:" HTTP header in client # requests. # # +client-header-filter{name} # All client headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly # through the specified regular expression based substitutions. # # Client-header filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include: # # hide-tor-exit-notation: Removes the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers. # privoxy-control: Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers. # # +client-header-tagger{string} # Tag requests based on their headers. Client headers to which this # action applies are filtered on-the-fly through the specified regular # expression based substitutions, the result is used as a tag. # Client-header taggers are the first actions that are executed and their # tags can be used to control every other action. # # Client-header taggers predefined in the supplied default.filter include: # # image-requests: Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST". # css-requests: Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST". # range-requests: Tags range requests as "RANGE-REQUEST". # client-ip-address: Tags the request with the client's IP address. # http-method: Tags the request with its HTTP method. # allow-post: Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST". # complete-url: Tags the request with the whole request URL. # user-agent: Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header. # referer: Tags the request with the complete Referer header. # privoxy-control: Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers. # # +content-type-overwrite # Replaces the "Content-Type:" HTTP server header, so that unwanted # download menus will not pop up, or changes the browser's rendering mode. # # +crunch-client-header{string} # Deletes every header sent by the client that contains the string the # user supplied as parameter. # # +crunch-if-none-match # Deletes the "If-None-Match:" HTTP client header. # # +crunch-server-header{string} # Deletes every header sent by the server that contains the string the # user supplied as a parameter. # # +deanimate-gifs{last} # +deanimate-gifs{first} # Deanimate all animated GIF images, i.e. reduce them to their last # frame. This will also shrink the images considerably. (In bytes, # not pixels!) # If the option "first" is given, the first frame of the animation # is used as the replacement. If "last" is given, the last frame of # the animation is used instead, which propably makes more sense for # most banner animations, but also has the risk of not showing the # entire last frame (if it is only a delta to an earlier frame). # # +downgrade-http-version # Downgrade HTTP/1.1 client requests to HTTP/1.0 and downgrade the # responses as well. Use this action for servers that use HTTP/1.1 # protocol features that Privoxy currently can't handle yet. # # +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} # +fast-redirects{simple-check} # Many sites, like, don't just link to other sites. # Instead, they will link to some script on their own server, # giving the destination as a parameter, which will then redirect # you to the final target. # # URLs resulting from this scheme typically look like: # # # Sometimes, there are even multiple consecutive redirects encoded # in the URL. These redirections via scripts make your web browsing # more traceable, since the server from which you follow such a link # can see where you go to. Apart from that, valuable bandwidth and # time is wasted, while your browser asks the server for one redirect # after the other. Plus, it feeds the advertisers. # # The +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} option enables interception of # these requests by Privoxy, who will cut off all but the last valid URL # in the request and send a local redirect back to your browser without # contacting the intermediate sites. NOTE: Syntax change as of v.3.0.4. # # +filter{name} # All files of text-based type, most notably HTML and JavaScript, to which # this action applies, can be filtered on-the-fly through the specified # regular expression based substitutions. (Note: plain text documents are # exempted from filtering, because web servers often use the text/plain # MIME type for all files whose type they don't know.) By default, # filtering works only on the raw document content itself (that which can # be seen with View Source), not the headers. Repeat for multiple filters. # Use with caution: filters can be very intrusive. # # Filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include: # # js-annoyances: Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse. # js-events: Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites). # html-annoyances: Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse. # content-cookies: Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content. # refresh-tags: Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds. # unsolicited-popups: Disable only unsolicited pop-up windows. # all-popups: Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML. # img-reorder: Reorder attributes in tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective. # banners-by-size: Kill banners by size. # banners-by-link: Kill banners by their links to known clicktrackers. # webbugs: Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking). # tiny-textforms: Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap. # jumping-windows: Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves. # frameset-borders: Give frames a border and make them resizable. # iframes: Removes all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for individual sites. # demoronizer: Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets. # shockwave-flash: Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects. # quicktime-kioskmode: Make Quicktime movies saveable. # fun: Text replacements for subversive browsing fun! # crude-parental: Crude parental filtering. Note that this filter doesn't work reliably. # ie-exploits: Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits. # site-specifics: Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally! # no-ping: Removes non-standard ping attributes in and tags. # google: CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement. # yahoo: CSS-based block for Yahoo text ads. Also removes a width limitation. # msn: CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs and a width limitation. # blogspot: Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this. # # +force-text-mode # Declares a document as plain text, even if the "Content-Type:" isn't detected # as such. # # +forward-override{forward .} # +forward-override{forward} # +forward-override{forward-socks4a .} # +forward-override{forward-socks4a} # +forward-override{forward-socks5 .} # +forward-override{forward-socks5} # This action overrules the forward directives in the configuration file. # # +handle-as-empty-document # This action alone doesn't do anything noticeable. It just marks URLs. If # the block action also applies, the presence or absence of this mark # decides whether an HTML "blocked" page, or an empty document will be sent # to the client as a substitute for the blocked content. # # +handle-as-image # Treat this URL as an image. This only matters if it's also "+block"ed, # in which case a "blocked" image can be sent rather than a HTML page. # See +set-image-blocker{} for the control over what is actually sent. # # +hide-accept-language{lang} # +hide-accept-language{block} # Deletes or replaces the "Accept-Language:" HTTP header in client # requests. # # +hide-content-disposition{block} # +hide-content-disposition{string} # Deletes or replaces the "Content-Disposition:" HTTP header set by some # servers. This can be used to prevent download menus for content you # prefer to view inside the browser, for example. # # +hide-from-header{block} # +hide-from-header{spam@sittingduck.xqq} # If the browser sends a "From:" header containing your e-mail address, # either completely removes the header ("block"), or change it to the # specified e-mail address. # # +hide-if-modified-since{block} # +hide-if-modified-since{-60} # Deletes the "If-Modified-Since:" HTTP client header or modifies its # value, preventing another way to track users. # # +hide-referer{block} # +hide-referer{forge} # +hide-referer{} # Don't send the "Referer:" (sic) header to the web site. You can # block it, forge a URL to the same server as the request (which is # preferred because some sites will not send images otherwise) or # set it to a constant string. # # +hide-referrer{...} # Alternative spelling of +hide-referer. Has the same parameters, # and can be freely mixed with, "+hide-referer". ("referrer" is the # correct English spelling, however the HTTP specification has a # bug - it requires it to be spelt "referer"). # # +hide-user-agent{browser-type} # Change the "User-Agent:" header so web servers can't tell your # browser type. (Breaks many web sites). Specify the user-agent # value you want - e.g., to pretend to be using Netscape on Linux: # +hide-user-agent{Mozilla (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i586)} # Or to identify yourself explicitly as a Privoxy user: # +hide-user-agent{Privoxy/1.0} # (Don't change the version number from 1.0 - after all, why tell them?) # # +limit-connect{portlist} # # By default, i.e. if no limit-connect action applies, Privoxy # allows HTTP CONNECT requests to all ports. Use limit-connect # if fine-grained control is desired for some or all destinations. # The CONNECT methods exists in HTTP to allow access to secure websites # ("https://" URLs) through proxies. It works very simply: the proxy # connects to the server on the specified port, and then short-circuits # its connections to the client and to the remote server. This means # CONNECT-enabled proxies can be used as TCP relays very easily. Privoxy # relays HTTPS traffic without seeing the decoded content. Websites can # leverage this limitation to circumvent Privoxy's filters. By specifying # an invalid port range you can disable HTTPS entirely. # # +limit-connect{443} # Only port 443 is OK. # +limit-connect{80,443} # Ports 80 and 443 are OK. # +limit-connect{-3, 7, 20-100, 500-} # Ports less than 3, 7, 20 to 100 and above 500 are OK. # +limit-connect{-} # All ports are OK # +limit-connect{,} # No HTTPS/SSL traffic is allowed # # +limit-cookie-lifetime{lifetime in minutes} # # This action reduces the lifetime of HTTP cookies coming from the # server to the specified number of minutes, starting from the time # the cookie passes Privoxy. # # Cookies with a lifetime below the limit are not modified. # The lifetime of session cookies is set to the specified limit. # The effect of this action depends on the server. # If the parameter is "0", this action behaves like session-cookies-only. # # +overwrite-last-modified{block} # +overwrite-last-modified{reset-to-request-time} # +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} # Removing the "Last-Modified:" header is useful for filter testing, where # you want to force a real reload instead of getting status code "304", # which would cause the browser to reuse the old version of the page. # # The "randomize" option overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:" # header with a randomly chosen time between the original value and the # current time. In theory the server could send each document with a # different "Last-Modified:" header to track visits without using cookies. # "Randomize" makes it impossible and the browser can still revalidate # cached documents. # # "reset-to-request-time" overwrites the value of the "Last-Modified:" # header with the current time. You could use this option together with # hide-if-modified-since to further customize your random range. # # +prevent-compression # Prevent the website from compressing the data. Some websites do # that, which is a problem for Privoxy when built without zlib support, # since +filter and +gif-deanimate will not work on compressed data. # Will slow down connections to those websites, though. # # +server-header-filter{name} # All server headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly # through the specified regular expression based substitutions. # # Server-header filters predefined in the supplied default.filter include: # # x-httpd-php-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from x-httpd-php to html. # html-to-xml: Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml. # xml-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html. # less-download-windows: Prevent annoying download windows for content types the browser can handle itself. # privoxy-control: Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers. # # +server-header-tagger{content-type} # Server headers to which this action applies are filtered on-the-fly # through the specified regular expression based substitutions, the result # is used as a tag. Server-header taggers are executed before all other # header actions that modify server headers. Their tags can be used to # control all of the other server-header actions, the content filters and # the crunch actions (redirect and block). # # Server-header taggers predefined in the supplied default.filter include: # # content-type: Tags the request with the content type declared by the server. # privoxy-control: Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers. # # +session-cookies-only # If the website sets cookies, make sure they are erased when you exit # and restart your web browser. This makes profiling cookies useless, # but won't break sites which require cookies so that you can log in # or for transactions. # # +set-image-blocker{blank} # +set-image-blocker{pattern} # +set-image-blocker{} with being any valid image URL # Decides what to do with URLs that end up tagged with {+block +handle-as-image}. # There are 4 options: # * "-set-image-blocker" will send a HTML "blocked" page, usually # resulting in a "broken image" icon. # * "+set-image-blocker{blank}" will send a 1x1 transparent image # * "+set-image-blocker{pattern}" will send a 4x4 grey/white pattern # which is less intrusive than the logo but easier to recognize # than the transparent one. # * "+set-image-blocker{}" will send a HTTP temporary redirect # to the specified image URL. # # # +crunch-outgoing-cookies # Prevent the website from reading cookies # # +crunch-incoming-cookies # Prevent the website from setting cookies # # +redirect{} # +redirect{} # Convinces the browser that the requested document has been moved to # another location and the browser should get it from the specified # URL. # ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # Settings -- Don't change. ############################################################################# {{settings}} ############################################################################# for-privoxy-version=3.0.11 ############################################################################# # Aliases ############################################################################# {{alias}} ############################################################################# # # You can define a short form for a list of permissions - e.g., instead # of "-crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies -filter -fast-redirects", # you can just write "shop". This is called an alias. # # Currently, an alias can contain any character except space, tab, '=', '{' # or '}'. # But please use only 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '+', and '-'. # # Alias names are not case sensitive. # # Aliases beginning with '+' or '-' may be used for system action names # in future releases - so try to avoid alias names like this. (e.g. # "+crunch-all-cookies" below is not a good name) # # Aliases must be defined before they are used. # # These aliases just save typing later: # +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies allow-all-cookies = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only allow-popups = -filter{all-popups} -filter{unsolicited-popups} +block-as-image = +block{Blocked image request.} +handle-as-image -block-as-image = -block # These aliases define combinations of actions # that are useful for certain types of sites: # fragile = -block -crunch-all-cookies -filter -fast-redirects -hide-referer shop = -crunch-all-cookies allow-popups # Your favourite blend of filters: # myfilters = +filter{html-annoyances} +filter{js-annoyances} +filter{all-popups}\ +filter{webbugs} +filter{banners-by-size} # Allow ads for selected useful free sites: # allow-ads = -block -filter{banners-by-size} -filter{banners-by-link} ################ # # Cautious settings -- safe for all sites, but offer little privacy protection # { \ +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \ +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \ +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \ +hide-from-header{block} \ +set-image-blocker{pattern} \ } standard.Cautious ################ # # Medium settings -- safe for most sites, with reasonable protection/damage tradeoff # { \ +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \ +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \ +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \ +deanimate-gifs{last} \ +filter{refresh-tags} \ +filter{img-reorder} \ +filter{banners-by-size} \ +filter{webbugs} \ +filter{jumping-windows} \ +filter{ie-exploits} \ +hide-from-header{block} \ +hide-referrer{conditional-block} \ +session-cookies-only \ +set-image-blocker{pattern} \ } standard.Medium ################ # # Advanced settings -- reasonable privacy protection but # require some exceptions for trusted sites, most likely # because of cookies or SSL. Also testing ground for # new options. # # CAUTION: These settings can still be subverted by a # misconfigured client that executes code from untrusted # sources. # { \ +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \ +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \ +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \ +crunch-if-none-match \ +crunch-outgoing-cookies \ +crunch-incoming-cookies \ +deanimate-gifs{last} \ +fast-redirects{check-decoded-url} \ +filter{html-annoyances} \ +filter{content-cookies} \ +filter{refresh-tags} \ +filter{img-reorder} \ +filter{banners-by-size} \ +filter{banners-by-link} \ +filter{webbugs} \ +filter{jumping-windows} \ +filter{frameset-borders} \ +filter{quicktime-kioskmode} \ +hide-if-modified-since{-60} \ +hide-from-header{block} \ +hide-referrer{conditional-block} \ +limit-connect{,} \ +overwrite-last-modified{randomize} \ +set-image-blocker{pattern} \ } standard.Advanced ############################################################################# # These extensions belong to images: ############################################################################# {+handle-as-image -filter} ############################################################################# /.*\.(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp|ico)($|\?) ############################################################################# # These don't: ############################################################################# {-handle-as-image} /.*\.(js|php|css|.?html?) ############################################################################# # These belong to multimedia files of which Firefox occasionally only # requests parts. #2816708 ############################################################################# {-filter -deanimate-gifs} # Sticky Actions = -filter -deanimate-gifs # URL = # URL = /.*\.og[gv]$ ############################################################################# # Generic block patterns by host: ############################################################################# {+block{Host matches generic block pattern.}} ad*. .*ads. .ad.?. .ad.[a-ik-z][a-oq-z].*. .ad.???*. # Blocked URL = .*advert*. *banner*. count*. *counter. # Blocked URL = metrics. ############################################################################# # Generic unblockers by host: ############################################################################# {-block} # Sticky Actions = -block adsl. ad[udmw]*. adbl*. adam*. adapt*. adob*. adrenaline. adtp*. adv[oia]*. adventure*. .*road*. .olympiad*. .*load*. .*[epu]ad*. county*. countr*. # URL = # URL = # URL = adina*. # URL = adele*. ############################################################################# # Generic block patterns by path: ############################################################################# {+block{Path matches generic block pattern.}} # Blocked URL = # Blocked URL = /(.*/)?ad(\?|/|s|v|_?(image|se?rv|box)|cycle|rotate|mentor|click|f[ra]m|script|stream|fetch|log|space) /phpads(new)?/ /(.*/)?(ad|all|nn|db|promo(tion)?)?[-_]?banner /(.*/)?(publicite|werbung|rekla(me|am)|annonse|maino(kset|nta|s)?/) /.*(count|track|compteur|(? context as in: # # s/()/$1replacement/sigU # # but that would make them match only the first occurrence of # nasty-item in each )|$1never|sigU # If we allow, we want normal window features: # Test: # s/(open\s*\([^\)]+resizable=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+location=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+status=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+scroll(?:ing|bars)=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2auto$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+menubar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+toolbar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+directories=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+fullscreen=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+always(?:raised|lowered)=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+z-?lock=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+hotkeys=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+titlebar=)(["']?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/sigU s/(open\s*\([^\)]+always(?:raised|lowered)=)(["']?)(?:yes|1)\2/$1$2no$2/sigU ################################################################################# # # js-events: Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites). # ################################################################################# FILTER: js-events Kill JavaScript event bindings and timers (Radically destructive! Only for extra nasty sites). s/(on|event\.)((mouse(over|out|down|up|move))|(un)?load|contextmenu|selectstart)/never/ig # Not events, but abused on the same type of sites: s/(alert|confirm)\s*\(/concat(/ig s/set(timeout|interval)\(/concat(/ig ################################################################################# # # html-annoyances: Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse. # ################################################################################# FILTER: html-annoyances Get rid of particularly annoying HTML abuse. # New browser windows (if allowed -- see no-popups filter below) should be # resizeable and have a location and status bar # s/(]+resizable=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU s/(]+location=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU s/(]+status=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU s/(]+scrolling=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2auto$2/igU s/(]+menubar=)(['"]?)(?:no|0)\2/$1$2yes$2/igU # The and tags were crimes! # s---sigU ################################################################################# # # content-cookies: Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content. # ################################################################################# FILTER: content-cookies Kill cookies that come in the HTML or JS content. # JS cookies, except those used by to detect us: # s|(\w+\.)+cookie(?=[ \t\r\n]*=)(?!='aab)|ZappedCookie|ig # HTML cookies: # s|||igU ################################################################################# # # refresh-tags: Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds. # ################################################################################# FILTER: refresh-tags Kill automatic refresh tags if refresh time is larger than 9 seconds. # Note: Only deactivates refreshes with more than 9 seconds delay to # preserve monster-stupid but common redirections via meta tags. # s@\2]*))?\2@)(?=\s*[^'"])+$1+isU s@([^\w\s.]\s*)((?:map)?(window|this|parent)\.?)?open\s*\(@$1PrivoxyWindowOpen(@ig s+([^'"]\s*)(?!\s*(\\n|'|"))+$1+iU ################################################################################## # # all-popups: Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML. # ################################################################################# FILTER: all-popups Kill all popups in JavaScript and HTML. s@((\W\s*)(?:map)?(window|this|parent)\.?)open\s*\\?\(@$1concat(@ig # JavaScript #s/\starget\s*=\s*(['"]?)_?(blank|new)\1?/ notarget/ig # HTML s/\starget\s*=\s*(['"]?)_?(blank|new)\1?/ /ig # (X)HTML ################################################################################## # # img-reorder: Reorder attributes in tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective. # ################################################################################# FILTER: img-reorder Reorder attributes in tags to make the banners-by-* filters more effective. # In the first step src is moved to the start, then width is moved to the second # place to guarantee an order of src, width, height. Also does some white-space # normalization. # # This makes banners-by-size more effective and allows both banners-by-size # and banners-by-link to preserve the original image URL in the title attribute. s|]*)\ssrc\s*=\s*(['"])([^>'" ]+)\2|]*)\ssrc\s*=\s*([^'">\\\s]+)|]+height)\s*=\s*|$1=|sig s|'" ]*\2\|[^'">\\\s]+?))([^>]*)\s+width\s*=\s*((["']?)\d+?\5)(?=[\s>])|\\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)88\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)31\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)120\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)(?:600?|90|240)\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)125\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)125\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)160\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)600\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)180\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)150\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)(?:234|468)\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)60\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)240\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)400\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)(?:250|300)\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)250\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)336\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)280\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ \\\1\s]+)\1)?[^>]*?(width=(['"]?)200\4)[^>]*?(height=(['"]?)50\6)[^>]*?(?=/?>)@\ # \1\s]*?(?:\ adclick # See \ | advert # see \ | atwola\.com/(?:link|redir) # see \ | doubleclick\.net/jump/ # redirs for ads \ | counter # common \ | (?\1\s]*)\1[^>]*>\s*\\\3\s]+)\3)?[^>]*((?:width|height)\s*=\s*(['"]?)\d+?\6)[^>]*((?:width|height)\s*=\s*(['"]?)\d+?\8)[^>]*?(?=/?>)\ @\1\s]*?(?:ad(?:click|vert)|atwola\.com/(?:link|redir)|doubleclick\.net/jump/|(?\1\s]*)\1[^>]*>\s*\\\3\s]+)\3)?[^>]*?(?=/?>)@]*\s(?:width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*\s(?:width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*?>@@siUg ################################################################################# # # tiny-textforms: Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap. # ################################################################################# FILTER: tiny-textforms Extend those tiny textareas up to 40x80 and kill the hard wrap. s/(]*?)(?:\s*(?:rows|cols)=(['"]?)\d+\2)+/$1 rows=$2\40$2 cols=$2\80$2/ig s/(]*?)wrap=(['"]?)hard\2/$1/ig ################################################################################# # # jumping-windows: Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves. # ################################################################################# FILTER: jumping-windows Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves. s/(?<=[\W])(?:window|this|self)\.(?:move|resize)(?:to|by)\(/''.concat(/ig ################################################################################# # # frameset-borders: Give frames a border, make them resizable and scrollable. # ################################################################################# FILTER: frameset-borders Give frames a border and make them resizable. s/(]*)framespacing=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU s/(]*)frameborder=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU s/(]*)border=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU s/(]*)noresize/$1/igU s/(]*)frameborder=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU s/(]*)scrolling=(['"]?)(no|0)\2/$1/igU ################################################################################# # # iframes: Remove all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for # individual sites after testing that the iframes are optional. # ################################################################################# FILTER: iframes Removes all detected iframes. Should only be enabled for individual sites. s@@@Uisg ################################################################################# # # demoronizer: Correct Microsoft's abuse of standardized character sets, which # leave the browser to (mis)-interpret unknown characters, with # sometimes bizarre results on non-MS platforms. # # credit: ripped from the script by: # John Walker -- January 1998, # ################################################################################# FILTER: demoronizer Fix MS's non-standard use of standard charsets. s/(&\#[0-2]\d\d)\s/$1; /g # per Robert Lynch:, just a guess. # Must come before x94 below. s/\xE2\x80\x94/ -- /g s/\x82/,/g #s-\x83-f-g s/\x84/,,/g s/\x85/.../g #s/\x88/^/g #s-\x89- /-g s/\x8B/~-g #s-\x99-TM-g # per Robert Lynch. s/\x9B/>/g # 155 ################################################################################# # # shockwave-flash: Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects. # Note: Better just block "/.*\.swf$"! # ################################################################################# FILTER: shockwave-flash Kill embedded Shockwave Flash objects. s|]*macromedia.*||sigU s|]*(application/x-shockwave-flash\|\.swf).*>(.*)?||sigU ################################################################################# # # quicktime-kioskmode: Make Quicktime movies saveable. # ################################################################################# FILTER: quicktime-kioskmode Make Quicktime movies saveable. s/(]*)kioskmode\s*=\s*(["']?)true\2/$1/ig ################################################################################# # # fun: Text replacements for subversive browsing fun! # ################################################################################# FILTER: fun Text replacements for subversive browsing fun! # SCNR # s/microsoft(?!\.[^\s])/MicroSuck/ig # Buzzword Bingo (example for extended regex syntax) # s* (?:industry|world)[ -]leading \ | cutting[ -]edge \ | customer[ -]focused \ | market[ -]driven \ | award[ -]winning # Comments are OK, too! \ | high[ -]performance \ | solutions[ -]based \ | unmatched \ | unparalleled \ | unrivalled \ *$0Bingo! \ *igx # For Germans only # s/(M|m)edien(?![^<]*>)/$1ädchen/Ug ################################################################################# # # crude-parental: Crude parental filtering. Use with a suitable blocklist. # Pages are "blocked" based on keyword matching. # ################################################################################# FILTER: crude-parental Crude parental filtering. Note that this filter doesn't work reliably. # (Note: Middlesex, Sussex and Essex are counties in the UK, not rude words) # (Note #2: Is 'sex' a rude word?!) s%^.*(?Blocked\

    Blocked by Privoxy's crude-parental filter due to possible adult content.

    %is s+^.*warez.*$+No Warez

    You're not searching for illegal stuff, are you?

    +is # Remove by description s/^.*\ (?:(suck|lick|tongue|rub|fuck|fingering|finger|chicks?)\s*)?\ (?:(her|your|my|hard|with|big|wet|tight|pink|hot|moist|young|teen)\s*)+\ (dicks?|penis|cocks?|balls?|tits?|pussy|cunt|clit|ass|mouth).*$\ /This page has been blocked by Privoxy's crude-parental content filter\ /is #Remove by link text s/^.*\ (download|broadband|view|watch|free|get|extreem)?\s*\ (sex|xxx|porn|cumshot|fuck(ing|s)?|anal|ass|asian|adult|Amateur|org(y|ies)|close ups?|hand?job|nail(ed)?)+\s*\ (movies?|pics?|videos?|dvds?|dvd's|links?).*$\ /This page has been blocked by Privoxy's crude-parental content filter\ /is #Remove by age disclaimer s/^.*\ (models?|chicks?|girls?|women|persons)\s*\ (who|are|were)+ (over|at least) (16|18|21) years (old|of age).*$\ /This page has been blocked by Privoxy's crude-parental content filter\ /is #Remove by regulations s/^.*(Section 2257|18 U.?S.?C.? 2257).*$\ /This page has been blocked by Privoxy's crude-parental content filter\ /is ################################################################################# # # IE-Exploits: Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits. # ################################################################################# FILTER: ie-exploits Disable some known Internet Explorer bug exploits. # Note: This is basically a demo and waits for someone more interested in IE # security (sic!) to take over. # Cross-site-scripting: # s%f\("javascript:location.replace\('mk:@MSITStore:C:'\)"\);%alert\("This page looks like it tries to use a vulnerability described here:\n"\);%siU # Address bar spoofing ( # s/(]*href[^>]*)(?:\x01|\x02|\x03|%0[012])@/$1MALICIOUS-LINK@/ig # Nimda: # s%%
    WARNING: This Server is infected with Nimda!%g ################################################################################# # # # site-specifics: Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally! # # Note: The fixes contained here are so specific to the problems of the # particular web sites they are designed for that they would be a # waste of CPU cycles (or even destructive!) on 99.9% of the web # sites where they don't apply. # ################################################################################# FILTER: site-specifics Cure for site-specific problems. Don't apply generally! # excludes X11 users from viewing Flash5 objects - shame. # Apply to: # s/indexOf\("x11"\)/indexOf("x13")/ # uses a very stupid redirect mechanism that # relies on a webbug being present. Can we tolerate that? No! # Apply to:$ # s/mylogfunc()//g # has splash pages that one needs to click through in # order to access the actual messages. Let the browser do that. Thanks # to Paul Jobson for this one: # s|(?:Continue to message\|Weiter zu Nachricht)||ig # has two very similar gimmicks: # s|||i s|||i # triggers popups through the onload handler of dummy images # to fool popup-blockers. # s|(]*)onload|$1never|sig # Pre-check all the "Discard" buttons in GNU Mailman's web interface. # (This saves a lot of mouse aiming practice when flushing spamtraps) # s|( and tags. # ################################################################################# FILTER: no-ping Removes non-standard ping attributes in and tags. s@(]*?)\sping=(['"]?)([^"'>]+)\2([>\s]?)@\ PING!\n$1$4@ig ################################################################################# # # google: CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes # a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement. # ################################################################################# FILTER: google CSS-based block for Google text ads. Also removes a width limitation and the toolbar advertisement. s@[^\\]@\n$0@ s@
    @ s@(
    @\n\n$0\n@ s@(]*)width:545px;@$1width:70%;@isU ################################################################################# # # msn: CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs # and a width limitation. # ################################################################################# FILTER: msn CSS-based block for MSN text ads. Also removes tracking URLs and a width limitation. s@@\n$0@ # Are these ids still in use? s@(]*) id=(["']?)ads_[^\2]*\2@$1 class="msn_ads"@Uig s@(]*) class=(["']?)sb_ads[^\2]*\2@$1 class="msn_ads"@Uig s@(]*href=\")*\?(http://.*)(&&DI=.*)(\")@$1$2$4@Ug s@(]*)gping=\".*\"@$1 title="URL cleaned up by Privoxy's msn filter"@Ug ################################################################################# # # blogspot: Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this. # # This filter also intentionally removes some navigation stuff and # sets the page width to 100%. As a result, some rounded "corners" would # appear to early or not at all and as fixing this would require a browser # that understands background-size (CSS3), they are removed instead. # # When applied to feeds, it removes comment titles that # only contain the beginning of the actual comment. # ################################################################################# FILTER: blogspot Cleans up some Blogspot blogs. Read the fine print before using this. s@@\n$0@ s@|(
    ([^<]*)(?:\.\.\.)?\s*\s*\ (\s*\1)@$2@ig ################################################################################# # # x-httpd-php-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from # x-httpd-php to html. "Content-Type: x-httpd-php" # is set by clueless PHP users and causes many # browsers do open a download menu instead of # rendering the page. # ################################################################################# SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: x-httpd-php-to-html Changes the Content-Type header from x-httpd-php to html. s@^(Content-Type:)\s*application/x-httpd-php@$1 text/html@i ################################################################################# # # html-to-xml: Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml. # ################################################################################# SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: html-to-xml Changes the Content-Type header from html to xml. s@^(Content-Type:)\s*text/html(;.*)?$@$1 application/xhtml+xml$2@i ################################################################################# # # xml-to-html: Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html. # ################################################################################# SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: xml-to-html Changes the Content-Type header from xml to html. s@^(Content-Type:)\s*(?:application|text)/(?:xhtml\+)?xml(;.*)?$@$1 text/html$2@i ################################################################################# # # hide-tor-exit-notation: Remove the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers. # # Note: If Privoxy and Tor are chained and Privoxy is configured to # use socks4a, one can use # to access the host through Tor exit node foobar. # # As the HTTP client isn't aware of this notation, it treats the # whole string "" as host and uses it # for the "Host" and "Referer" headers. From the server's point of # view the resulting headers are invalid and can cause problems. # # An invalid "Referer" header can trigger "hot-linking" protections, # an invalid "Host" header will make it impossible for the server to # find the right vhost (several domains hosted on the same IP address). # # This filter removes the "foo.exit" part in those headers # to prevent the mentioned problems. Note that it only modifies # the HTTP headers, it doesn't make it impossible for the server # to detect your Tor exit node based on the IP address the request is # coming from. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER: hide-tor-exit-notation Removes the Tor exit node notation in Host and Referer headers. s@^((?:Referer|Host):\s*(?:https?://)?[^/]*)\.[^\./]*?\.exit@$1@i ################################################################################# # # less-download-windows: Prevents annoying download windows for content types # the browser can handle itself. # ################################################################################# SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: less-download-windows Prevent annoying download windows for content types the browser can handle itself. s@^Content-Disposition:.*filename=(["']?).*\.(png|gif|jpe?g|diff?|d?patch|c|h|pl|shar)\1.*$@@i s@^(Content-Type:)\s*(?:message/(?:news|rfc822)|text/x-.*|application/x-sh(?:\s|$))\s*@$1 text/plain@i ################################################################################# # # image-requests: Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST". Whether # or not the detection actually works depends on the browser. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: image-requests Tags detected image requests as "IMAGE-REQUEST". s@^Accept:\s*image/.*@IMAGE-REQUEST@i ################################################################################# # # css-requests: Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST". Whether # or not the detection actually works depends on the browser. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: css-requests Tags detected CSS requests as "CSS-REQUEST". s@^Accept:\s*text/css.*@CSS-REQUEST@i ################################################################################# # # range-requests: Tags range requests as "RANGE-REQUEST". # # By default Privoxy removes Range headers for requests to # ressources that will be filtered to make sure the filters # get the whole picture. Otherwise Range requests could be # intentionally used to circumvent filters or, less likely, # filtering a partial response may damage it because it matched # a pattern that the ressource as a whole wouldn't. # # Range requests can be useful and save bandwidth so instead # of removing Range headers for requests to ressources that # will be filtered, you may prefer to simply disable filtering # for those requests. # # That's what this tagger is all about. After enabling it, # you can disable filtering for range requests using the following # action section: # # {-filter -deanimate-gifs} # TAG:^RANGE-REQUEST # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: range-requests Tags range requests as "RANGE-REQUEST". s@^Range:.*@RANGE-REQUEST@i ################################################################################# # # client-ip-address: Tags the request with the client's IP address. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: client-ip-address Tags the request with the client's IP address. s@^\w*\s+.*\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*@IP-ADDRESS: $origin@D ################################################################################# # # http-method: Tags the request with its HTTP method. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: http-method Tags the request with its HTTP method. s@^(\w*).*HTTP/\d\.\d\s*$@$1@i ################################################################################# # # allow-post: Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST". # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: allow-post Tags POST requests as "ALLOWED-POST". s@^(?:POST)\s+.*\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*@ALLOWED-POST@i ################################################################################# # # complete-url: Tags the request with the whole request URL. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: complete-url Tags the request with the whole request URL. s@^\w*\s+(.*)\s+HTTP/\d\.\d\s*$@$1@i ################################################################################# # # user-agent: Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: user-agent Tags the request with the complete User-Agent header. s@^User-Agent:.*@$0@i ################################################################################# # # referer: Tags the request with the complete Referer header. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: referer Tags the request with the complete Referer header. s@^Referer:.*@$0@i ################################################################################# # # content-type: Tags the request with the content type declared by the server. # ################################################################################# SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER: content-type Tags the request with the content type declared by the server. s@^Content-Type:\s*([^;]+).*@$1@i ################################################################################# # # privoxy-control: The taggers create tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control # headers, the filters remove said headers. # ################################################################################# CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER: privoxy-control Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers. s@^X-Privoxy-Control:\s*@@i CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER: privoxy-control Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers. s@^X-Privoxy-Control:.*@@i SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER: privoxy-control Creates tags with the content of X-Privoxy-Control headers. s@^X-Privoxy-Control:\s*@@i SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: privoxy-control Removes X-Privoxy-Control headers. s@^X-Privoxy-Control:.*@@i g'########################################################## # # "Blocked" Error Output template for Privoxy. # # NOTE: UNLIKE THE OTHER TEMPLATES, THIS ONE USES # JavaScript write() TO GENERATE THE PAGE IN JS_AWARE # BROWSERS. SYMBOL SUBSTITUTIONS THAT RESULT IN MULTILINE # STRINGS WILL BREAK THE JavaScript SYNTAX. # USE WITH CAUTION. # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written in plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # protocol: # The request's protocol: http:// or https:// # hostport: # The host and port part of the blocked request's URL. # path: # The path part of the blocked request's URL. # path-ue: # The path part of the blocked request's URL, url-encoded. # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # This is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # force-support: # Privoxy has been compiled with support for forced loading # of blocked content. In that case, the symbol "force-prefix" is # avaiable, which translates to the FORCE_PREFIX # Request blocked (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # Note: The same small version is used above via JavaScript # If you make changes here, keep the other version in sync! 7########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # 404 - Privoxy Configuration Page not found
  • # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    404 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Privoxy Configuration page not found

    You typed in what looks like a URL used to configure Privoxy, but it cannot be recognised. Maybe it's for a different Privoxy version, or you typed it in wrong? Or maybe the Privoxy administrator has decided to disable the feature.

    If you got here by clicking a link in the configuration interface, please file a bug report!

    You can use the menu below to select from the available configuration options

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy: Bad parameter # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Bad parameter to Privoxy configuration page

    You've found a page used to configure Privoxy, but the parameters (the part of the web page address after the "?" mark) are wrong or missing.

    Possible causes:

    • If you just typed a URL pattern into a form, then you got something wrong. Press the "back" button on your browser once and correct what you typed.
    • If you tried to type in the URL, then you've found a page where you can't do that. You can only view this page by following links from elsewhere in the configuration interface.
    • If you got here using your browser's "back" button, then that is deliberately disabled for this page.
    • If you got here by clicking a link in the configuration interface, please file a bug report!

    You can use the menu below to select from the available configuration options

    Privoxy Menu:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # Feature disabled or referrer untrusted Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Configuration Page Disabled # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Privoxy Configuration access denied

    Access to @url@ has been denied because:

    • it requires a feature that has been disabled by the Privoxy administrator,
    • you didn't come here through one of Privoxy's CGI pages, or
    • the Referer: header is blocked.

    Note that the following features which used to be enabled in earlier releases are now off by default:

    Please refer to the documentation behind the links to learn how to enable them again and what the consequences are.

    All enabled features are accessible from the main menu, some of them are protected with a referrer check though. If you got caught by the referrer check, but are absolutely sure you know what you are doing, please try again.

    If the Referer: header is blocked, you'll have to make an exception for Privoxy's web interface first. Note that dumb referrer blocking is a bad idea anyway, as it makes it easier to fingerprint your requests. Consider using Privoxy's conditional referrer block instead.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy: Actions file not found # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Actions file not found

    The actions file you are trying to edit (index @f@) does not exist, or cannot be read.

    Privoxy Menu:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy: Cannot write to actions file # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Cannot write to actions file

    The actions file you are trying to edit (@f@.action) could not be written to.

    You many not have permission to write to the file - check the file permissions. On Windows, right-click the file, choose Properties, and make sure it is not read-only.

    Another reason you may see this message is if you have run out of disk space. If that is the case, then the actions file has been truncated - if you get further errors, you may need to fix it using a text editor.

    Privoxy Menu:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy: URL out of date # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    URL out of date - file has changed since it was generated

    The URL you're viewing is out of date. To prevent possible damage to your configuration file, this action has been ignored.

    Possible causes:

    • If you got here using your browser's "back" button, then that is deliberately disabled for this page. Please navigate around the configuration editor using the links provided.
    • Perhaps you've got more than one browser window open, and you're trying to change the same file in both? You can only have one editor window open at a time. Your other edit window should continue to function.
    • You may have modified the file some other way - perhaps by editing it with a text editor. Simply go back in to the configuration interface using the links below.

    You can go back into the edit interface using the menu below, or by clicking here.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    J########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy: Parse error # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Parse error

    The file you're trying to edit is not valid. You need to fix it using a text editor before you can edit it using the web-based editor.

    This error should only occur if you edited the file using a text editor. If you managed to take a valid file and break it this badly using the web-based editor, please file a bug report!

    When you've fixed the problem, you can go back into the edit interface using the menu below, or by clicking here.

    Problem description:


    The line which caused the problem:


    The line which caused the problem, with comments removed



    Only the first error is reported - the file may contain other errors, as well as the one reported above.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    *############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/cgi-style.css,v $ # # Purpose : Style sheet for the web-based config interface. # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## /* * CSS for Privoxy CGI and script output * * $Id: cgi-style.css,v 1.14 2011/09/04 11:09:40 fabiankeil Exp $ */ /* * General rules: Font, Color, Headings, Margins, Links */ body,td,th { font-family: arial, helvetica, helv, sans-serif; } body { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; } h1 { font-size: 140%; margin: 0px; } h2 { font-size: 120%; margin: 0px; } h3 { font-size: 110%; margin: 0px; } p,pre { margin-left: 15px; } li { margin: 2px 15px; } dl { margin: 2px 15px; } a:link { color: #0000dd; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: #330099; text-decoration: none; } a:active { color: #3333ff; text-decoration: none; } /* * Boxen as Table elements: */ td.title { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #dddddd; } { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #eeeeee; } { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ccccff; } td.warning { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ffdddd; } /* * Special Table Boxen: for nesting, naked container and for * the Status field in CGI Output: */ td.wrapbox { border: solid black 1px; padding: 5px; } td.container { padding: 0px; } td.status { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ff0000; color: #ffffff; font-size: 300%; font-weight: bolder; } /* * Same Boxen as
    s: */ div.title { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #dddddd; margin: 20px; padding: 20px; } { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #eeeeee; margin: 20px; padding: 20px; } { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ccccff; margin: 20px; padding: 20px; } div.warning { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ffdddd; margin: 20px; padding: 20px; } div.wrapbox { border: solid black 1px; margin: 20px; padding: 5px; } /* * Bold definitions in
    s, grey BG for table headings, transparent (no-bordered) table */ dt { font-weight: bold; } th { background-color: #dddddd; } table.transparent { border-style: none} /* * Special purpose paragraphs: Small for page footers, * Important for quoting wrong or dangerous examples, * Whiteframed for the toggle?mini=y CGI */ p.small { font-size: 10px; margin: 0px; } p.important { border: solid black 1px; background-color: #ffdddd; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px; } p.whiteframed { margin: 5px; padding: 5px; border: solid black 1px; text-align: center; background-color: #eeeeee; } /* * Links as buttons: */ td.buttons { padding: 2px; } a.cmd, td.indentbuttons a, td.buttons a { white-space: nowrap; width: auto; padding: 2px; background-color: #dddddd; color: #000000; text-decoration: none; border-top: 1px solid #ffffff; border-left: 1px solid #ffffff; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-right: 1px solid #000000; } a.cmd:hover, td.indentbuttons a:hover, td.buttons a:hover { background-color: #eeeeee; } a.cmd:active, td.indentbuttons a:active, td.buttons a:active { border-top: 1px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff; border-right: 1px solid #ffffff; } /* * Special red emphasis: */ em.warning, strong.warning { color: #ff0000 } /* * In show-status we use tables directly behind headlines * and for some reason or another the headlines are set to * "margin:0" and leave the tables no air to breath. * * A proper fix would be to replace or remove the "margin:0", * but as this affects every cgi page we do it another time * and use this workaround until then. */ .box table { margin-top: 1em; } /* * Let the URL and pattern input fields scale with the browser * width and try to prevent vertical scroll bars if the width * is less than 80 characters. */ input.url, input.pattern { width: 95%; } # Sample Configuration File for Privoxy 3.0.23 # # $Id: config,v 1.107 2015/01/24 16:44:20 fabiankeil Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Privoxy Developers # #################################################################### # # # Table of Contents # # # # I. INTRODUCTION # # II. FORMAT OF THE CONFIGURATION FILE # # # # 1. LOCAL SET-UP DOCUMENTATION # # 2. CONFIGURATION AND LOG FILE LOCATIONS # # 3. DEBUGGING # # 4. ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY # # 5. FORWARDING # # 6. MISCELLANEOUS # # 7. WINDOWS GUI OPTIONS # # # #################################################################### # # # I. INTRODUCTION # =============== # # This file holds Privoxy's main configuration. Privoxy detects # configuration changes automatically, so you don't have to restart # it unless you want to load a different configuration file. # # The configuration will be reloaded with the first request after # the change was done, this request itself will still use the old # configuration, though. In other words: it takes two requests # before you see the result of your changes. Requests that are # dropped due to ACL don't trigger reloads. # # When starting Privoxy on Unix systems, give the location of this # file as last argument. On Windows systems, Privoxy will look for # this file with the name 'config.txt' in the current working # directory of the Privoxy process. # # # II. FORMAT OF THE CONFIGURATION FILE # ==================================== # # Configuration lines consist of an initial keyword followed by a # list of values, all separated by whitespace (any number of spaces # or tabs). For example, # # actionsfile default.action # # Indicates that the actionsfile is named 'default.action'. # # The '#' indicates a comment. Any part of a line following a '#' is # ignored, except if the '#' is preceded by a '\'. # # Thus, by placing a # at the start of an existing configuration # line, you can make it a comment and it will be treated as if it # weren't there. This is called "commenting out" an option and can # be useful. Removing the # again is called "uncommenting". # # Note that commenting out an option and leaving it at its default # are two completely different things! Most options behave very # differently when unset. See the "Effect if unset" explanation in # each option's description for details. # # Long lines can be continued on the next line by using a `\' as the # last character. # # # 1. LOCAL SET-UP DOCUMENTATION # ============================== # # If you intend to operate Privoxy for more users than just # yourself, it might be a good idea to let them know how to reach # you, what you block and why you do that, your policies, etc. # # # 1.1. user-manual # ================= # # Specifies: # # Location of the Privoxy User Manual. # # Type of value: # # A fully qualified URI # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # will be used, # where version is the Privoxy version. # # Notes: # # The User Manual URI is the single best source of information # on Privoxy, and is used for help links from some of the # internal CGI pages. The manual itself is normally packaged # with the binary distributions, so you probably want to set # this to a locally installed copy. # # Examples: # # The best all purpose solution is simply to put the full local # PATH to where the User Manual is located: # # user-manual /usr/share/doc/privoxy/user-manual # # The User Manual is then available to anyone with access to # Privoxy, by following the built-in URL: http:// # (or the shortcut: http://p.p/ # user-manual/). # # If the documentation is not on the local system, it can be # accessed from a remote server, as: # # user-manual # # WARNING!!! # # If set, this option should be the first option in the # config file, because it is used while the config file is # being read. # user-manual ./doc/user-manual/ # # 1.2. trust-info-url # ==================== # # Specifies: # # A URL to be displayed in the error page that users will see if # access to an untrusted page is denied. # # Type of value: # # URL # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # No links are displayed on the "untrusted" error page. # # Notes: # # The value of this option only matters if the experimental # trust mechanism has been activated. (See trustfile below.) # # If you use the trust mechanism, it is a good idea to write up # some on-line documentation about your trust policy and to # specify the URL(s) here. Use multiple times for multiple URLs. # # The URL(s) should be added to the trustfile as well, so users # don't end up locked out from the information on why they were # locked out in the first place! # #trust-info-url #trust-info-url # # 1.3. admin-address # =================== # # Specifies: # # An email address to reach the Privoxy administrator. # # Type of value: # # Email address # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # No email address is displayed on error pages and the CGI user # interface. # # Notes: # # If both admin-address and proxy-info-url are unset, the whole # "Local Privoxy Support" box on all generated pages will not be # shown. # #admin-address # # 1.4. proxy-info-url # ==================== # # Specifies: # # A URL to documentation about the local Privoxy setup, # configuration or policies. # # Type of value: # # URL # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # No link to local documentation is displayed on error pages and # the CGI user interface. # # Notes: # # If both admin-address and proxy-info-url are unset, the whole # "Local Privoxy Support" box on all generated pages will not be # shown. # # This URL shouldn't be blocked ;-) # #proxy-info-url # # 2. CONFIGURATION AND LOG FILE LOCATIONS # ======================================== # # Privoxy can (and normally does) use a number of other files for # additional configuration, help and logging. This section of the # configuration file tells Privoxy where to find those other files. # # The user running Privoxy, must have read permission for all # configuration files, and write permission to any files that would # be modified, such as log files and actions files. # # # 2.1. confdir # ============= # # Specifies: # # The directory where the other configuration files are located. # # Type of value: # # Path name # # Default value: # # /etc/privoxy (Unix) or Privoxy installation dir (Windows) # # Effect if unset: # # Mandatory # # Notes: # # No trailing "/", please. # confdir . # # 2.2. templdir # ============== # # Specifies: # # An alternative directory where the templates are loaded from. # # Type of value: # # Path name # # Default value: # # unset # # Effect if unset: # # The templates are assumed to be located in confdir/template. # # Notes: # # Privoxy's original templates are usually overwritten with each # update. Use this option to relocate customized templates that # should be kept. As template variables might change between # updates, you shouldn't expect templates to work with Privoxy # releases other than the one they were part of, though. # #templdir . # # 2.3. temporary-directory # ========================= # # Specifies: # # A directory where Privoxy can create temporary files. # # Type of value: # # Path name # # Default value: # # unset # # Effect if unset: # # No temporary files are created, external filters don't work. # # Notes: # # To execute external filters, Privoxy has to create temporary # files. This directive specifies the directory the temporary # files should be written to. # # It should be a directory only Privoxy (and trusted users) can # access. # #temporary-directory . # # 2.4. logdir # ============ # # Specifies: # # The directory where all logging takes place (i.e. where the # logfile is located). # # Type of value: # # Path name # # Default value: # # /var/log/privoxy (Unix) or Privoxy installation dir (Windows) # # Effect if unset: # # Mandatory # # Notes: # # No trailing "/", please. # logdir . # # 2.5. actionsfile # ================= # # Specifies: # # The actions file(s) to use # # Type of value: # # Complete file name, relative to confdir # # Default values: # # match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on. # # default.action # Main actions file # # user.action # User customizations # # Effect if unset: # # No actions are taken at all. More or less neutral proxying. # # Notes: # # Multiple actionsfile lines are permitted, and are in fact # recommended! # # The default values are default.action, which is the "main" # actions file maintained by the developers, and user.action, # where you can make your personal additions. # # Actions files contain all the per site and per URL # configuration for ad blocking, cookie management, privacy # considerations, etc. # actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on. actionsfile default.action # Main actions file actionsfile user.action # User customizations # # 2.6. filterfile # ================ # # Specifies: # # The filter file(s) to use # # Type of value: # # File name, relative to confdir # # Default value: # # default.filter (Unix) or default.filter.txt (Windows) # # Effect if unset: # # No textual content filtering takes place, i.e. all +filter{name} # actions in the actions files are turned neutral. # # Notes: # # Multiple filterfile lines are permitted. # # The filter files contain content modification rules that use # regular expressions. These rules permit powerful changes on # the content of Web pages, and optionally the headers as well, # e.g., you could try to disable your favorite JavaScript # annoyances, re-write the actual displayed text, or just have # some fun playing buzzword bingo with web pages. # # The +filter{name} actions rely on the relevant filter (name) # to be defined in a filter file! # # A pre-defined filter file called default.filter that contains # a number of useful filters for common problems is included in # the distribution. See the section on the filter action for a # list. # # It is recommended to place any locally adapted filters into a # separate file, such as user.filter. # filterfile default.filter filterfile user.filter # User customizations # # 2.7. logfile # ============= # # Specifies: # # The log file to use # # Type of value: # # File name, relative to logdir # # Default value: # # Unset (commented out). When activated: logfile (Unix) or # privoxy.log (Windows). # # Effect if unset: # # No logfile is written. # # Notes: # # The logfile is where all logging and error messages are # written. The level of detail and number of messages are set # with the debug option (see below). The logfile can be useful # for tracking down a problem with Privoxy (e.g., it's not # blocking an ad you think it should block) and it can help you # to monitor what your browser is doing. # # Depending on the debug options below, the logfile may be a # privacy risk if third parties can get access to it. As most # users will never look at it, Privoxy only logs fatal errors by # default. # # For most troubleshooting purposes, you will have to change # that, please refer to the debugging section for details. # # Any log files must be writable by whatever user Privoxy is # being run as (on Unix, default user id is "privoxy"). # # To prevent the logfile from growing indefinitely, it is # recommended to periodically rotate or shorten it. Many # operating systems support log rotation out of the box, some # require additional software to do it. For details, please # refer to the documentation for your operating system. # logfile privoxy.log # # 2.8. trustfile # =============== # # Specifies: # # The name of the trust file to use # # Type of value: # # File name, relative to confdir # # Default value: # # Unset (commented out). When activated: trust (Unix) or # trust.txt (Windows) # # Effect if unset: # # The entire trust mechanism is disabled. # # Notes: # # The trust mechanism is an experimental feature for building # white-lists and should be used with care. It is NOT # recommended for the casual user. # # If you specify a trust file, Privoxy will only allow access to # sites that are specified in the trustfile. Sites can be listed # in one of two ways: # # Prepending a ~ character limits access to this site only (and # any sub-paths within this site), e.g. allows # access to, etc. # # Or, you can designate sites as trusted referrers, by # prepending the name with a + character. The effect is that # access to untrusted sites will be granted -- but only if a # link from this trusted referrer was used to get there. The # link target will then be added to the "trustfile" so that # future, direct accesses will be granted. Sites added via this # mechanism do not become trusted referrers themselves (i.e. # they are added with a ~ designation). There is a limit of 512 # such entries, after which new entries will not be made. # # If you use the + operator in the trust file, it may grow # considerably over time. # # It is recommended that Privoxy be compiled with the # --disable-force, --disable-toggle and --disable-editor # options, if this feature is to be used. # # Possible applications include limiting Internet access for # children. # #trustfile trust.txt # # 3. DEBUGGING # ============= # # These options are mainly useful when tracing a problem. Note that # you might also want to invoke Privoxy with the --no-daemon command # line option when debugging. # # # 3.1. debug # =========== # # Specifies: # # Key values that determine what information gets logged. # # Type of value: # # Integer values # # Default value: # # 0 (i.e.: only fatal errors (that cause Privoxy to exit) are # logged) # # Effect if unset: # # Default value is used (see above). # # Notes: # # The available debug levels are: # # debug 1 # Log the destination for each request Privoxy let through. See also debug 1024. # debug 2 # show each connection status # debug 4 # show I/O status # debug 8 # show header parsing # debug 16 # log all data written to the network # debug 32 # debug force feature # debug 64 # debug regular expression filters # debug 128 # debug redirects # debug 256 # debug GIF de-animation # debug 512 # Common Log Format # debug 1024 # Log the destination for requests Privoxy didn't let through, and the reason why. # debug 2048 # CGI user interface # debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings. # debug 8192 # Non-fatal errors # debug 32768 # log all data read from the network # debug 65536 # Log the applying actions # # To select multiple debug levels, you can either add them or # use multiple debug lines. # # A debug level of 1 is informative because it will show you # each request as it happens. 1, 1024, 4096 and 8192 are # recommended so that you will notice when things go wrong. The # other levels are probably only of interest if you are hunting # down a specific problem. They can produce a hell of an output # (especially 16). # # If you are used to the more verbose settings, simply enable # the debug lines below again. # # If you want to use pure CLF (Common Log Format), you should # set "debug 512" ONLY and not enable anything else. # # Privoxy has a hard-coded limit for the length of log messages. # If it's reached, messages are logged truncated and marked with # "... [too long, truncated]". # # Please don't file any support requests without trying to # reproduce the problem with increased debug level first. Once # you read the log messages, you may even be able to solve the # problem on your own. # #debug 1 # Log the destination for each request Privoxy let through. See also debug 1024. #debug 1024 # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on. #debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings #debug 8192 # Non-fatal errors # # 3.2. single-threaded # ===================== # # Specifies: # # Whether to run only one server thread. # # Type of value: # # 1 or 0 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Multi-threaded (or, where unavailable: forked) operation, i.e. # the ability to serve multiple requests simultaneously. # # Notes: # # This option is only there for debugging purposes. It will # drastically reduce performance. # #single-threaded 1 # # 3.3. hostname # ============== # # Specifies: # # The hostname shown on the CGI pages. # # Type of value: # # Text # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # The hostname provided by the operating system is used. # # Notes: # # On some misconfigured systems resolving the hostname fails or # takes too much time and slows Privoxy down. Setting a fixed # hostname works around the problem. # # In other circumstances it might be desirable to show a # hostname other than the one returned by the operating system. # For example if the system has several different hostnames and # you don't want to use the first one. # # Note that Privoxy does not validate the specified hostname # value. # #hostname # # 4. ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY # =============================== # # This section of the config file controls the security-relevant # aspects of Privoxy's configuration. # # # 4.1. listen-address # ==================== # # Specifies: # # The address and TCP port on which Privoxy will listen for # client requests. # # Type of value: # # [IP-Address]:Port # # [Hostname]:Port # # Default value: # # # # Effect if unset: # # Bind to (IPv4 localhost), port 8118. This is # suitable and recommended for home users who run Privoxy on the # same machine as their browser. # # Notes: # # You will need to configure your browser(s) to this proxy # address and port. # # If you already have another service running on port 8118, or # if you want to serve requests from other machines (e.g. on # your local network) as well, you will need to override the # default. # # You can use this statement multiple times to make Privoxy # listen on more ports or more IP addresses. Suitable if your # operating system does not support sharing IPv6 and IPv4 # protocols on the same socket. # # If a hostname is used instead of an IP address, Privoxy will # try to resolve it to an IP address and if there are multiple, # use the first one returned. # # If the address for the hostname isn't already known on the # system (for example because it's in /etc/hostname), this may # result in DNS traffic. # # If the specified address isn't available on the system, or if # the hostname can't be resolved, Privoxy will fail to start. # # IPv6 addresses containing colons have to be quoted by # brackets. They can only be used if Privoxy has been compiled # with IPv6 support. If you aren't sure if your version supports # it, have a look at # # Some operating systems will prefer IPv6 to IPv4 addresses even # if the system has no IPv6 connectivity which is usually not # expected by the user. Some even rely on DNS to resolve # localhost which mean the "localhost" address used may not # actually be local. # # It is therefore recommended to explicitly configure the # intended IP address instead of relying on the operating # system, unless there's a strong reason not to. # # If you leave out the address, Privoxy will bind to all IPv4 # interfaces (addresses) on your machine and may become # reachable from the Internet and/or the local network. Be aware # that some GNU/Linux distributions modify that behaviour # without updating the documentation. Check for non-standard # patches if your Privoxy version behaves differently. # # If you configure Privoxy to be reachable from the network, # consider using access control lists (ACL's, see below), and/or # a firewall. # # If you open Privoxy to untrusted users, you will also want to # make sure that the following actions are disabled: # enable-edit-actions and enable-remote-toggle # # Example: # # Suppose you are running Privoxy on a machine which has the # address on your local private network # ( and has another outside connection with a # different address. You want it to serve requests from inside # only: # # listen-address # # Suppose you are running Privoxy on an IPv6-capable machine and # you want it to listen on the IPv6 address of the loopback # device: # # listen-address [::1]:8118 # listen-address # # 4.2. toggle # ============ # # Specifies: # # Initial state of "toggle" status # # Type of value: # # 1 or 0 # # Default value: # # 1 # # Effect if unset: # # Act as if toggled on # # Notes: # # If set to 0, Privoxy will start in "toggled off" mode, i.e. # mostly behave like a normal, content-neutral proxy with both # ad blocking and content filtering disabled. See # enable-remote-toggle below. # toggle 1 # # 4.3. enable-remote-toggle # ========================== # # Specifies: # # Whether or not the web-based toggle feature may be used # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # The web-based toggle feature is disabled. # # Notes: # # When toggled off, Privoxy mostly acts like a normal, # content-neutral proxy, i.e. doesn't block ads or filter # content. # # Access to the toggle feature can not be controlled separately # by "ACLs" or HTTP authentication, so that everybody who can # access Privoxy (see "ACLs" and listen-address above) can # toggle it for all users. So this option is not recommended for # multi-user environments with untrusted users. # # Note that malicious client side code (e.g Java) is also # capable of using this option. # # As a lot of Privoxy users don't read documentation, this # feature is disabled by default. # # Note that you must have compiled Privoxy with support for this # feature, otherwise this option has no effect. # enable-remote-toggle 0 # # 4.4. enable-remote-http-toggle # =============================== # # Specifies: # # Whether or not Privoxy recognizes special HTTP headers to # change its behaviour. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Privoxy ignores special HTTP headers. # # Notes: # # When toggled on, the client can change Privoxy's behaviour by # setting special HTTP headers. Currently the only supported # special header is "X-Filter: No", to disable filtering for the # ongoing request, even if it is enabled in one of the action # files. # # This feature is disabled by default. If you are using Privoxy # in a environment with trusted clients, you may enable this # feature at your discretion. Note that malicious client side # code (e.g Java) is also capable of using this feature. # # This option will be removed in future releases as it has been # obsoleted by the more general header taggers. # enable-remote-http-toggle 0 # # 4.5. enable-edit-actions # ========================= # # Specifies: # # Whether or not the web-based actions file editor may be used # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # The web-based actions file editor is disabled. # # Notes: # # Access to the editor can not be controlled separately by # "ACLs" or HTTP authentication, so that everybody who can # access Privoxy (see "ACLs" and listen-address above) can # modify its configuration for all users. # # This option is not recommended for environments with untrusted # users and as a lot of Privoxy users don't read documentation, # this feature is disabled by default. # # Note that malicious client side code (e.g Java) is also # capable of using the actions editor and you shouldn't enable # this options unless you understand the consequences and are # sure your browser is configured correctly. # # Note that you must have compiled Privoxy with support for this # feature, otherwise this option has no effect. # enable-edit-actions 0 # # 4.6. enforce-blocks # ==================== # # Specifies: # # Whether the user is allowed to ignore blocks and can "go there # anyway". # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Blocks are not enforced. # # Notes: # # Privoxy is mainly used to block and filter requests as a # service to the user, for example to block ads and other junk # that clogs the pipes. Privoxy's configuration isn't perfect # and sometimes innocent pages are blocked. In this situation it # makes sense to allow the user to enforce the request and have # Privoxy ignore the block. # # In the default configuration Privoxy's "Blocked" page contains # a "go there anyway" link to adds a special string (the force # prefix) to the request URL. If that link is used, Privoxy will # detect the force prefix, remove it again and let the request # pass. # # Of course Privoxy can also be used to enforce a network # policy. In that case the user obviously should not be able to # bypass any blocks, and that's what the "enforce-blocks" option # is for. If it's enabled, Privoxy hides the "go there anyway" # link. If the user adds the force prefix by hand, it will not # be accepted and the circumvention attempt is logged. # # Examples: # # enforce-blocks 1 # enforce-blocks 0 # # 4.7. ACLs: permit-access and deny-access # ========================================= # # Specifies: # # Who can access what. # # Type of value: # # src_addr[:port][/src_masklen] [dst_addr[:port][/dst_masklen]] # # Where src_addr and dst_addr are IPv4 addresses in dotted # decimal notation or valid DNS names, port is a port number, # and src_masklen and dst_masklen are subnet masks in CIDR # notation, i.e. integer values from 2 to 30 representing the # length (in bits) of the network address. The masks and the # whole destination part are optional. # # If your system implements RFC 3493, then src_addr and dst_addr # can be IPv6 addresses delimeted by brackets, port can be a # number or a service name, and src_masklen and dst_masklen can # be a number from 0 to 128. # # Default value: # # Unset # # If no port is specified, any port will match. If no # src_masklen or src_masklen is given, the complete IP address # has to match (i.e. 32 bits for IPv4 and 128 bits for IPv6). # # Effect if unset: # # Don't restrict access further than implied by listen-address # # Notes: # # Access controls are included at the request of ISPs and # systems administrators, and are not usually needed by # individual users. For a typical home user, it will normally # suffice to ensure that Privoxy only listens on the localhost # ( or internal (home) network address by means of the # listen-address option. # # Please see the warnings in the FAQ that Privoxy is not # intended to be a substitute for a firewall or to encourage # anyone to defer addressing basic security weaknesses. # # Multiple ACL lines are OK. If any ACLs are specified, Privoxy # only talks to IP addresses that match at least one # permit-access line and don't match any subsequent deny-access # line. In other words, the last match wins, with the default # being deny-access. # # If Privoxy is using a forwarder (see forward below) for a # particular destination URL, the dst_addr that is examined is # the address of the forwarder and NOT the address of the # ultimate target. This is necessary because it may be # impossible for the local Privoxy to determine the IP address # of the ultimate target (that's often what gateways are used # for). # # You should prefer using IP addresses over DNS names, because # the address lookups take time. All DNS names must resolve! You # can not use domain patterns like "*.org" or partial domain # names. If a DNS name resolves to multiple IP addresses, only # the first one is used. # # Some systems allow IPv4 clients to connect to IPv6 server # sockets. Then the client's IPv4 address will be translated by # the system into IPv6 address space with special prefix # ::ffff:0:0/96 (so called IPv4 mapped IPv6 address). Privoxy # can handle it and maps such ACL addresses automatically. # # Denying access to particular sites by ACL may have undesired # side effects if the site in question is hosted on a machine # which also hosts other sites (most sites are). # # Examples: # # Explicitly define the default behavior if no ACL and # listen-address are set: "localhost" is OK. The absence of a # dst_addr implies that all destination addresses are OK: # # permit-access localhost # # Allow any host on the same class C subnet as # access to nothing but (or other domains hosted # on the same system): # # permit-access # # Allow access from any host on the 26-bit subnet # to anywhere, with the exception that may not # access the IP address behind # # permit-access # deny-access # # Allow access from the IPv4 network even if # listening on an IPv6 wild card address (not supported on all # platforms): # # permit-access # # This is equivalent to the following line even if listening on # an IPv4 address (not supported on all platforms): # # permit-access [::ffff:]/120 # # # 4.8. buffer-limit # ================== # # Specifies: # # Maximum size of the buffer for content filtering. # # Type of value: # # Size in Kbytes # # Default value: # # 4096 # # Effect if unset: # # Use a 4MB (4096 KB) limit. # # Notes: # # For content filtering, i.e. the +filter and +deanimate-gif # actions, it is necessary that Privoxy buffers the entire # document body. This can be potentially dangerous, since a # server could just keep sending data indefinitely and wait for # your RAM to exhaust -- with nasty consequences. Hence this # option. # # When a document buffer size reaches the buffer-limit, it is # flushed to the client unfiltered and no further attempt to # filter the rest of the document is made. Remember that there # may be multiple threads running, which might require up to # buffer-limit Kbytes each, unless you have enabled # "single-threaded" above. # buffer-limit 4096 # # 4.9. enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding # ============================================ # # Specifies: # # Whether or not proxy authentication through Privoxy should # work. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Proxy authentication headers are removed. # # Notes: # # Privoxy itself does not support proxy authentication, but can # allow clients to authenticate against Privoxy's parent proxy. # # By default Privoxy (3.0.21 and later) don't do that and remove # Proxy-Authorization headers in requests and Proxy-Authenticate # headers in responses to make it harder for malicious sites to # trick inexperienced users into providing login information. # # If this option is enabled the headers are forwarded. # # Enabling this option is not recommended if there is no parent # proxy that requires authentication or if the local network # between Privoxy and the parent proxy isn't trustworthy. If # proxy authentication is only required for some requests, it is # recommended to use a client header filter to remove the # authentication headers for requests where they aren't needed. # enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding 0 # # 5. FORWARDING # ============== # # This feature allows routing of HTTP requests through a chain of # multiple proxies. # # Forwarding can be used to chain Privoxy with a caching proxy to # speed up browsing. Using a parent proxy may also be necessary if # the machine that Privoxy runs on has no direct Internet access. # # Note that parent proxies can severely decrease your privacy level. # For example a parent proxy could add your IP address to the # request headers and if it's a caching proxy it may add the "Etag" # header to revalidation requests again, even though you configured # Privoxy to remove it. It may also ignore Privoxy's header time # randomization and use the original values which could be used by # the server as cookie replacement to track your steps between # visits. # # Also specified here are SOCKS proxies. Privoxy supports the SOCKS # 4 and SOCKS 4A protocols. # # # 5.1. forward # ============= # # Specifies: # # To which parent HTTP proxy specific requests should be routed. # # Type of value: # # target_pattern http_parent[:port] # # where target_pattern is a URL pattern that specifies to which # requests (i.e. URLs) this forward rule shall apply. Use / to # denote "all URLs". http_parent[:port] is the DNS name or IP # address of the parent HTTP proxy through which the requests # should be forwarded, optionally followed by its listening port # (default: 8000). Use a single dot (.) to denote "no # forwarding". # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # Don't use parent HTTP proxies. # # Notes: # # If http_parent is ".", then requests are not forwarded to # another HTTP proxy but are made directly to the web servers. # # http_parent can be a numerical IPv6 address (if RFC 3493 is # implemented). To prevent clashes with the port delimiter, the # whole IP address has to be put into brackets. On the other # hand a target_pattern containing an IPv6 address has to be put # into angle brackets (normal brackets are reserved for regular # expressions already). # # Multiple lines are OK, they are checked in sequence, and the # last match wins. # # Examples: # # Everything goes to an example parent proxy, except SSL on port # 443 (which it doesn't handle): # # forward / # forward :443 . # # Everything goes to our example ISP's caching proxy, except for # requests to that ISP's sites: # # forward / # forward . # # Parent proxy specified by an IPv6 address: # # forward / [2001:DB8::1]:8000 # # Suppose your parent proxy doesn't support IPv6: # # forward / # forward . # forward <[2-3][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:*> . # # # 5.2. forward-socks4, forward-socks4a, forward-socks5 and forward-socks5t # ========================================================================= # # Specifies: # # Through which SOCKS proxy (and optionally to which parent HTTP # proxy) specific requests should be routed. # # Type of value: # # target_pattern socks_proxy[:port] http_parent[:port] # # where target_pattern is a URL pattern that specifies to which # requests (i.e. URLs) this forward rule shall apply. Use / to # denote "all URLs". http_parent and socks_proxy are IP # addresses in dotted decimal notation or valid DNS names ( # http_parent may be "." to denote "no HTTP forwarding"), and # the optional port parameters are TCP ports, i.e. integer # values from 1 to 65535 # # Default value: # # Unset # # Effect if unset: # # Don't use SOCKS proxies. # # Notes: # # Multiple lines are OK, they are checked in sequence, and the # last match wins. # # The difference between forward-socks4 and forward-socks4a is # that in the SOCKS 4A protocol, the DNS resolution of the # target hostname happens on the SOCKS server, while in SOCKS 4 # it happens locally. # # With forward-socks5 the DNS resolution will happen on the # remote server as well. # # forward-socks5t works like vanilla forward-socks5 but lets # Privoxy additionally use Tor-specific SOCKS extensions. # Currently the only supported SOCKS extension is optimistic # data which can reduce the latency for the first request made # on a newly created connection. # # socks_proxy and http_parent can be a numerical IPv6 address # (if RFC 3493 is implemented). To prevent clashes with the port # delimiter, the whole IP address has to be put into brackets. # On the other hand a target_pattern containing an IPv6 address # has to be put into angle brackets (normal brackets are # reserved for regular expressions already). # # If http_parent is ".", then requests are not forwarded to # another HTTP proxy but are made (HTTP-wise) directly to the # web servers, albeit through a SOCKS proxy. # # Examples: # # From the company, direct connections are made to # all "internal" domains, but everything outbound goes through # their ISP's proxy by way of's corporate SOCKS 4A # gateway to the Internet. # # forward-socks4a / # forward . # # A rule that uses a SOCKS 4 gateway for all destinations but no # HTTP parent looks like this: # # forward-socks4 / . # # To chain Privoxy and Tor, both running on the same system, you # would use something like: # # forward-socks5t / . # # Note that if you got Tor through one of the bundles, you may # have to change the port from 9050 to 9150 (or even another # one). For details, please check the documentation on the Tor # website. # # The public Tor network can't be used to reach your local # network, if you need to access local servers you therefore # might want to make some exceptions: # # forward 192.168.*.*/ . # forward 10.*.*.*/ . # forward 127.*.*.*/ . # # Unencrypted connections to systems in these address ranges # will be as (un)secure as the local network is, but the # alternative is that you can't reach the local network through # Privoxy at all. Of course this may actually be desired and # there is no reason to make these exceptions if you aren't sure # you need them. # # If you also want to be able to reach servers in your local # network by using their names, you will need additional # exceptions that look like this: # # forward localhost/ . # # # 5.3. forwarded-connect-retries # =============================== # # Specifies: # # How often Privoxy retries if a forwarded connection request # fails. # # Type of value: # # Number of retries. # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Connections forwarded through other proxies are treated like # direct connections and no retry attempts are made. # # Notes: # # forwarded-connect-retries is mainly interesting for socks4a # connections, where Privoxy can't detect why the connections # failed. The connection might have failed because of a DNS # timeout in which case a retry makes sense, but it might also # have failed because the server doesn't exist or isn't # reachable. In this case the retry will just delay the # appearance of Privoxy's error message. # # Note that in the context of this option, "forwarded # connections" includes all connections that Privoxy forwards # through other proxies. This option is not limited to the HTTP # CONNECT method. # # Only use this option, if you are getting lots of # forwarding-related error messages that go away when you try # again manually. Start with a small value and check Privoxy's # logfile from time to time, to see how many retries are usually # needed. # # Examples: # # forwarded-connect-retries 1 # forwarded-connect-retries 0 # # 6. MISCELLANEOUS # ================= # # 6.1. accept-intercepted-requests # ================================= # # Specifies: # # Whether intercepted requests should be treated as valid. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Only proxy requests are accepted, intercepted requests are # treated as invalid. # # Notes: # # If you don't trust your clients and want to force them to use # Privoxy, enable this option and configure your packet filter # to redirect outgoing HTTP connections into Privoxy. # # Note that intercepting encrypted connections (HTTPS) isn't # supported. # # Make sure that Privoxy's own requests aren't redirected as # well. Additionally take care that Privoxy can't intentionally # connect to itself, otherwise you could run into redirection # loops if Privoxy's listening port is reachable by the outside # or an attacker has access to the pages you visit. # # Examples: # # accept-intercepted-requests 1 # accept-intercepted-requests 0 # # 6.2. allow-cgi-request-crunching # ================================= # # Specifies: # # Whether requests to Privoxy's CGI pages can be blocked or # redirected. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Privoxy ignores block and redirect actions for its CGI pages. # # Notes: # # By default Privoxy ignores block or redirect actions for its # CGI pages. Intercepting these requests can be useful in # multi-user setups to implement fine-grained access control, # but it can also render the complete web interface useless and # make debugging problems painful if done without care. # # Don't enable this option unless you're sure that you really # need it. # # Examples: # # allow-cgi-request-crunching 1 # allow-cgi-request-crunching 0 # # 6.3. split-large-forms # ======================= # # Specifies: # # Whether the CGI interface should stay compatible with broken # HTTP clients. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # The CGI form generate long GET URLs. # # Notes: # # Privoxy's CGI forms can lead to rather long URLs. This isn't a # problem as far as the HTTP standard is concerned, but it can # confuse clients with arbitrary URL length limitations. # # Enabling split-large-forms causes Privoxy to divide big forms # into smaller ones to keep the URL length down. It makes # editing a lot less convenient and you can no longer submit all # changes at once, but at least it works around this browser # bug. # # If you don't notice any editing problems, there is no reason # to enable this option, but if one of the submit buttons # appears to be broken, you should give it a try. # # Examples: # # split-large-forms 1 # split-large-forms 0 # # 6.4. keep-alive-timeout # ======================== # # Specifies: # # Number of seconds after which an open connection will no # longer be reused. # # Type of value: # # Time in seconds. # # Default value: # # None # # Effect if unset: # # Connections are not kept alive. # # Notes: # # This option allows clients to keep the connection to Privoxy # alive. If the server supports it, Privoxy will keep the # connection to the server alive as well. Under certain # circumstances this may result in speed-ups. # # By default, Privoxy will close the connection to the server if # the client connection gets closed, or if the specified timeout # has been reached without a new request coming in. This # behaviour can be changed with the connection-sharing option. # # This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without # keep-alive support. # # Note that a timeout of five seconds as used in the default # configuration file significantly decreases the number of # connections that will be reused. The value is used because # some browsers limit the number of connections they open to a # single host and apply the same limit to proxies. This can # result in a single website "grabbing" all the connections the # browser allows, which means connections to other websites # can't be opened until the connections currently in use time # out. # # Several users have reported this as a Privoxy bug, so the # default value has been reduced. Consider increasing it to 300 # seconds or even more if you think your browser can handle it. # If your browser appears to be hanging, it probably can't. # # Examples: # # keep-alive-timeout 300 # keep-alive-timeout 5 # # 6.5. tolerate-pipelining # ========================= # # Specifies: # # Whether or not pipelined requests should be served. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1. # # Default value: # # None # # Effect if unset: # # If Privoxy receives more than one request at once, it # terminates the client connection after serving the first one. # # Notes: # # Privoxy currently doesn't pipeline outgoing requests, thus # allowing pipelining on the client connection is not guaranteed # to improve the performance. # # By default Privoxy tries to discourage clients from pipelining # by discarding aggressively pipelined requests, which forces # the client to resend them through a new connection. # # This option lets Privoxy tolerate pipelining. Whether or not # that improves performance mainly depends on the client # configuration. # # If you are seeing problems with pages not properly loading, # disabling this option could work around the problem. # # Examples: # # tolerate-pipelining 1 # tolerate-pipelining 1 # # 6.6. default-server-timeout # ============================ # # Specifies: # # Assumed server-side keep-alive timeout if not specified by the # server. # # Type of value: # # Time in seconds. # # Default value: # # None # # Effect if unset: # # Connections for which the server didn't specify the keep-alive # timeout are not reused. # # Notes: # # Enabling this option significantly increases the number of # connections that are reused, provided the keep-alive-timeout # option is also enabled. # # While it also increases the number of connections problems # when Privoxy tries to reuse a connection that already has been # closed on the server side, or is closed while Privoxy is # trying to reuse it, this should only be a problem if it # happens for the first request sent by the client. If it # happens for requests on reused client connections, Privoxy # will simply close the connection and the client is supposed to # retry the request without bothering the user. # # Enabling this option is therefore only recommended if the # connection-sharing option is disabled. # # It is an error to specify a value larger than the # keep-alive-timeout value. # # This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without # keep-alive support. # # Examples: # # default-server-timeout 60 # #default-server-timeout 60 # # 6.7. connection-sharing # ======================== # # Specifies: # # Whether or not outgoing connections that have been kept alive # should be shared between different incoming connections. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # None # # Effect if unset: # # Connections are not shared. # # Notes: # # This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without # keep-alive support, or if it's disabled. # # Notes: # # Note that reusing connections doesn't necessary cause # speedups. There are also a few privacy implications you should # be aware of. # # If this option is effective, outgoing connections are shared # between clients (if there are more than one) and closing the # browser that initiated the outgoing connection does no longer # affect the connection between Privoxy and the server unless # the client's request hasn't been completed yet. # # If the outgoing connection is idle, it will not be closed # until either Privoxy's or the server's timeout is reached. # While it's open, the server knows that the system running # Privoxy is still there. # # If there are more than one client (maybe even belonging to # multiple users), they will be able to reuse each others # connections. This is potentially dangerous in case of # authentication schemes like NTLM where only the connection is # authenticated, instead of requiring authentication for each # request. # # If there is only a single client, and if said client can keep # connections alive on its own, enabling this option has next to # no effect. If the client doesn't support connection # keep-alive, enabling this option may make sense as it allows # Privoxy to keep outgoing connections alive even if the client # itself doesn't support it. # # You should also be aware that enabling this option increases # the likelihood of getting the "No server or forwarder data" # error message, especially if you are using a slow connection # to the Internet. # # This option should only be used by experienced users who # understand the risks and can weight them against the benefits. # # Examples: # # connection-sharing 1 # #connection-sharing 1 # # 6.8. socket-timeout # ==================== # # Specifies: # # Number of seconds after which a socket times out if no data is # received. # # Type of value: # # Time in seconds. # # Default value: # # None # # Effect if unset: # # A default value of 300 seconds is used. # # Notes: # # The default is quite high and you probably want to reduce it. # If you aren't using an occasionally slow proxy like Tor, # reducing it to a few seconds should be fine. # # Examples: # # socket-timeout 300 # socket-timeout 300 # # 6.9. max-client-connections # ============================ # # Specifies: # # Maximum number of client connections that will be served. # # Type of value: # # Positive number. # # Default value: # # 128 # # Effect if unset: # # Connections are served until a resource limit is reached. # # Notes: # # Privoxy creates one thread (or process) for every incoming # client connection that isn't rejected based on the access # control settings. # # If the system is powerful enough, Privoxy can theoretically # deal with several hundred (or thousand) connections at the # same time, but some operating systems enforce resource limits # by shutting down offending processes and their default limits # may be below the ones Privoxy would require under heavy load. # # Configuring Privoxy to enforce a connection limit below the # thread or process limit used by the operating system makes # sure this doesn't happen. Simply increasing the operating # system's limit would work too, but if Privoxy isn't the only # application running on the system, you may actually want to # limit the resources used by Privoxy. # # If Privoxy is only used by a single trusted user, limiting the # number of client connections is probably unnecessary. If there # are multiple possibly untrusted users you probably still want # to additionally use a packet filter to limit the maximal # number of incoming connections per client. Otherwise a # malicious user could intentionally create a high number of # connections to prevent other users from using Privoxy. # # Obviously using this option only makes sense if you choose a # limit below the one enforced by the operating system. # # One most POSIX-compliant systems Privoxy can't properly deal # with more than FD_SETSIZE file descriptors at the same time # and has to reject connections if the limit is reached. This # will likely change in a future version, but currently this # limit can't be increased without recompiling Privoxy with a # different FD_SETSIZE limit. # # Examples: # # max-client-connections 256 # #max-client-connections 256 # # 6.10. handle-as-empty-doc-returns-ok # ===================================== # # Specifies: # # The status code Privoxy returns for pages blocked with # +handle-as-empty-document. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Privoxy returns a status 403(forbidden) for all blocked pages. # # Effect if set: # # Privoxy returns a status 200(OK) for pages blocked with # +handle-as-empty-document and a status 403(Forbidden) for all # other blocked pages. # # Notes: # # This directive was added as a work-around for Firefox bug # 492459: "Websites are no longer rendered if SSL requests for # JavaScripts are blocked by a proxy." # (, the bug # has been fixed for quite some time, but this directive is also # useful to make it harder for websites to detect whether or not # resources are being blocked. # #handle-as-empty-doc-returns-ok 1 # # 6.11. enable-compression # ========================= # # Specifies: # # Whether or not buffered content is compressed before delivery. # # Type of value: # # 0 or 1 # # Default value: # # 0 # # Effect if unset: # # Privoxy does not compress buffered content. # # Effect if set: # # Privoxy compresses buffered content before delivering it to # the client, provided the client supports it. # # Notes: # # This directive is only supported if Privoxy has been compiled # with FEATURE_COMPRESSION, which should not to be confused with # FEATURE_ZLIB. # # Compressing buffered content is mainly useful if Privoxy and # the client are running on different systems. If they are # running on the same system, enabling compression is likely to # slow things down. If you didn't measure otherwise, you should # assume that it does and keep this option disabled. # # Privoxy will not compress buffered content below a certain # length. # #enable-compression 1 # # 6.12. compression-level # ======================== # # Specifies: # # The compression level that is passed to the zlib library when # compressing buffered content. # # Type of value: # # Positive number ranging from 0 to 9. # # Default value: # # 1 # # Notes: # # Compressing the data more takes usually longer than # compressing it less or not compressing it at all. Which level # is best depends on the connection between Privoxy and the # client. If you can't be bothered to benchmark it for yourself, # you should stick with the default and keep compression # disabled. # # If compression is disabled, the compression level is # irrelevant. # # Examples: # # # Best speed (compared to the other levels) # compression-level 1 # # # Best compression # compression-level 9 # # # No compression. Only useful for testing as the added header # # slightly increases the amount of data that has to be sent. # # If your benchmark shows that using this compression level # # is superior to using no compression at all, the benchmark # # is likely to be flawed. # compression-level 0 # # #compression-level 1 # # 6.13. client-header-order # ========================== # # Specifies: # # The order in which client headers are sorted before forwarding # them. # # Type of value: # # Client header names delimited by spaces or tabs # # Default value: # # None # # Notes: # # By default Privoxy leaves the client headers in the order they # were sent by the client. Headers are modified in-place, new # headers are added at the end of the already existing headers. # # The header order can be used to fingerprint client requests # independently of other headers like the User-Agent. # # This directive allows to sort the headers differently to # better mimic a different User-Agent. Client headers will be # emitted in the order given, headers whose name isn't # explicitly specified are added at the end. # # Note that sorting headers in an uncommon way will make # fingerprinting actually easier. Encrypted headers are not # affected by this directive. # #client-header-order Host \ # Accept \ # Accept-Language \ # Accept-Encoding \ # Proxy-Connection \ # Referer \ # Cookie \ # DNT \ # If-Modified-Since \ # Cache-Control \ # Content-Length \ # Content-Type # # # 7. WINDOWS GUI OPTIONS # ======================= # # Privoxy has a number of options specific to the Windows GUI # interface: # # # # If "activity-animation" is set to 1, the Privoxy icon will animate # when "Privoxy" is active. To turn off, set to 0. # #activity-animation 1 # # # # If "log-messages" is set to 1, Privoxy copies log messages to the # console window. The log detail depends on the debug directive. # #log-messages 1 # # # # If "log-buffer-size" is set to 1, the size of the log buffer, i.e. # the amount of memory used for the log messages displayed in the # console window, will be limited to "log-max-lines" (see below). # # Warning: Setting this to 0 will result in the buffer to grow # infinitely and eat up all your memory! # #log-buffer-size 1 # # # # log-max-lines is the maximum number of lines held in the log # buffer. See above. # #log-max-lines 200 # # # # If "log-highlight-messages" is set to 1, Privoxy will highlight # portions of the log messages with a bold-faced font: # #log-highlight-messages 1 # # # # The font used in the console window: # #log-font-name Comic Sans MS # # # # Font size used in the console window: # #log-font-size 8 # # # # "show-on-task-bar" controls whether or not Privoxy will appear as # a button on the Task bar when minimized: # #show-on-task-bar 0 # # # # If "close-button-minimizes" is set to 1, the Windows close button # will minimize Privoxy instead of closing the program (close with # the exit option on the File menu). # #close-button-minimizes 1 # # # # The "hide-console" option is specific to the MS-Win console # version of Privoxy. If this option is used, Privoxy will # disconnect from and hide the command console. # #hide-console # # # T########################################################## # # Connect-Failed Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # host-ip: # The IP address of the host that could not be reached # hostport: # The host and port part of the request that lead to this problem # path: # The path part of the request that lead to this problem # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # 503 - Connect failed (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    503 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Connect failed

    Your request for @protocol@@hostport@@path@ could not be fulfilled, because the connection to @host@ (@host-ip@) could not be established.

    This is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # connection-timeout Error Output template for Privoxy. # ########################################################## 504 - Connection timeout (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    504 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Connection timeout

    Your request for @protocol@@hostport@@path@ could not be fulfilled, because the connection to @host@ (@host-ip@) timed out.

    This is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    0############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-add-url-form,v $ # # Purpose : Template used to add a URL pattern to the actions file. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Standard support: # # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict. # # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser # and then upload it to for checking. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # section # ############################################################################# Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Add URL Pattern # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Add URL or TAG Pattern


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-for-url,v $ # # Purpose : Template used to edit the actions associated with a # particular section in an actions file. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2014 the # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Standard support: # # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict. # # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser # and then upload it to for checking. # ############################################################################## # # Available variables include: # # action-name-y # action-name-n # action-name-x # # deanimate-gifs-param-first # deanimate-gifs-param-last # hide-from-param-block # hide-from-param-custom # hide-from-param # hide-referrer-param-forge # hide-referrer-param-block # hide-referrer-param-custom # hide-referrer-param # hide-user-agent-param # image-blocker-param-pattern # image-blocker-param-blank # image-blocker-param-custom # # ############################################################################## Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Edit actions
    # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Edit Actions

    Edit Actions (Section 1)

    @client-header-filter-params@ @client-header-tagger-params@ @external-content-filter-params@
    Enable Disable No Change Action Description
    add-header Adds HTTP headers.
            Editing the settings for this option, or turning it on if it was off, is not yet supported using this web-based editor.
    block Block the request.
            Block reason to tell the user:
    change-x-forwarded-for Specifies whether to block or add X-Forwarded-For headers.

      client-header-filter * Filter the client headers. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all client-header filters applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the filters individually below.
      client-header-tagger * Create tags based on the client headers. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all client-header taggers applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the taggers individually below.
    content-type-overwrite Replace Content-Type header. By default it only applies to text documents, but if you know what you're doing you can enable force-text-mode to modify binary content types as well.
            New Content-Type:
    crunch-client-header Remove header(s) matching the supplied pattern.
            Header string to suppress:
    crunch-if-none-match Remove If-None-Match header. Useful for filter testing and to make sure the header can't be used to track your visits.
    crunch-incoming-cookies Prevent the website from setting HTTP cookies on your system.
    crunch-outgoing-cookies Prevent the website from reading HTTP cookies from your system.
    crunch-server-header Remove server header(s) matching the supplied pattern.
            Header string to suppress:
    deanimate-gifs Replace animated GIFs with their (first/last) frame.
            Use the   
    downgrade-http-version Change HTTP/1.1 requests to HTTP/1.0. Only change if you know what you're doing!
      external-filter * Filter the website through external scripts or programs. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all filters applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the filters individually below.
    fast-redirects Bypass some click-tracking URLs.

    Edit Actions (Section 2)

    Enable Disable No Change Action Description
      filter * Filter the website through regular expression filters. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all filters applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the filters individually below.

    Edit Actions (Section 3)

    Enable Disable No Change Action Description
    force-text-mode Enable filtering on documents whose Content-Type wasn't recognized as text. Do think twice, nothing is alright.
    forward-override Override forward directives in the configuration file. Note that the parameter syntax isn't checked until the action is used. Syntax errors will cause Privoxy to exit.
            Overriding forward directive:

    handle-as-empty-document Block with an empty document instead of an Image or HTML message. The empty document contains only a space and can safely be parsed as JavaScript or Style Sheet. Use content-type-overwrite to specify the Content-Type, default is text/html.
    handle-as-image Request is for an image (only useful in conjunction with the block and set-image-blocker actions).
    hide-accept-language Pretend to have different language settings. (Makes a fake User-Agent more believable, but you may end up with content in the language you pretended to understand.)

    hide-content-disposition Block or overwrite the content-disposition header. Useful to view a document inside the browser, even if you were supposed to save it first, or to change the suggested file name.

    hide-from-header Stop old web browsers from sending the user's e-mail address with every request.

    hide-if-modified-since Remove or randomize the If-Modified-Since header.
            Useful for filter testing.
    minute(s). To appreciate this option a small amount of paranoia is required, but at least in theory the If-Modified-Since header could be used to keep track of your visits.

    Edit Actions (Section 4)

    @server-header-filter-params@ @server-header-tagger-params@
    Enable Disable No Change Action Description
    hide-referrer Helps prevent tracking by not sending the URL of the previous web page. 
            (breaks images on some free web hosts).
    (fools checks for in-site links.)

    hide-user-agent Pretend to be using a different web browser.  (May cause problems with broken web sites).
            User Agent string to send:
    limit-connect Limit which ports are allowed in HTTP CONNECT requests. These requests are used to tunnel SSL and other protocols through HTTP proxies.
            Legal ports (comma separated, ranges allowed):
    limit-cookie-lifetime Limit the cookie lifetime specified in Set-Cookie headers.
    overwrite-last-modified Remove or randomize the Last-Modified header.

    prevent-compression Disables compression. Compressed web pages are faster to download, but cannot be filtered with filter or kill-popups if your Privoxy version was build without zlib support.
    redirect Redirect to another address.
            Static address or a single pcrs command to redirect to a rewritten version of the original URL:
      server-header-filter * Filter the server headers. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all server-header filters applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the filters individually below.
      server-header-tagger * Create tags based on the server headers. You can use the radio buttons on this line to disable all server-header taggers applied by previous rules, and/or you can enable or disable the taggers individually below.
    session-cookies-only HTTP cookies set by the website are changed to temporary ("per-session") ones, which only last until you close your web browser. This will allow you to use sites that require cookies, but sites will not be able to track you across sessions. For this to be useful, you should disable crunch-outgoing-cookies and crunch-incoming-cookies.
    set-image-blocker Specifies how to block images.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    C############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-for-url-filter,v $ # # Purpose : Template that is included from most of Privoxy's CGI pages # to show the user how to get help or report problems. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2002-2007 members of # the SourceForge Privoxy team. # # This template is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # ############################################################################## @filter-type@ @name@ @description@ $############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-list,v $ # # Purpose : Template used to edit the actions file. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2009 the # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Browser support for the CSS on this page: # MS Internet Explorer 5.5 - Yes - everything works. # Netscape 6.2 - Yes - everything works. # Netscape 4.75 - No - CSS buttons look really bad, but they are # usable. Everything else works. # Opera 5.12 - Yes - everything works. # MS Internet Explorer 4+ - Untested # MS IE 3.x, NS3.x - Untested (Don't support CSS, so everything # should work, but will look ugly). # Mozilla >=0.6 - Yes - everything works. # # All browsers should work, you just might not get the pretty CSS buttons. # # If your favorite browser isn't listed/tested, please test and add it. # # ############################################################################# # # Standard support: # # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict. # # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser # and then upload it to for checking. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # # ############################################################################# Privoxy: Edit actions file @actions-file@ # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See @sections@
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    What is all this?

    If you haven't already done so, it is strongly recommended that you at least skim the chapter on actions files in the User Manual before making any changes. You will also find a comprehensive list of all available actions there, as well how the settings on this page work.

    Please note that the first section has special importance. It sets the default actions for all URLs. The resulting actions for a particular URL may differ from these defaults if that URL matches again further down, but this section is largely responsible for your browsing experience. Edit manually with great care, or choose from the predefined sets of actions.

    This is the default action file. Updates for it are available from from time to time. It is therefore not recommended that you add your private rules here, since they will be lost if you install an update in the future. Put your rules in a separate actions file, like user.action instead.

    Editing Actions File @actions-file@

    Insert new section at top

    Edit @all-urls-buttons@
    URL patterns:
    /   (Matches all requests)
    Insert new section below

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-list-button,v $ # # Purpose : Template which forms part of edit-actions-list # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #############################################################################   Set to @button-name@ ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-list-section,v $ # # Purpose : Template which forms part of edit-actions-list # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # sectionid # urls # ############################################################################# # # ** Important note: ** # # It is important to keep this file small. That's why all the # identifiers in the HTML are short and cryptic. Currently, the main # edit-actions page is ~300k. Before it was optimized, it was ~550k. # ############################################################################# @urls@
    URL patterns:
    @if-s-prev-exists-start@Move section up   @if-s-prev-exists-end@ @if-s-next-exists-start@Move section down   @if-s-next-exists-end@ Insert new section below @if-empty-section-start@   Delete whole section@if-empty-section-end@
    ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-list-section,v $ # # Purpose : Template which forms part of edit-actions-list # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # sectionid # urls # ############################################################################# # # ** Important note: ** # # It is important to keep this file small. That's why all the # identifiers in the HTML are short and cryptic. Currently, the main # edit-actions page is ~300k. Before it was optimized, it was ~550k. # ############################################################################# @urls@
    URL patterns:
    @if-s-prev-exists-start@Move section up   @if-s-prev-exists-end@ @if-s-next-exists-start@Move section down   @if-s-next-exists-end@ Insert new section below @if-empty-section-start@   Delete whole section@if-empty-section-end@
    1 ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-list-url,v $ # # Purpose : Template which forms part of edit-actions-list # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # sectionid # urls # ############################################################################# # # ** Important note: ** # # It is *extremely* important to keep this file small. That's why all the # identifiers in the HTML are short and cryptic. Currently, the main # edit-actions page is ~300k. Before it was optimized, it was ~550k. # ############################################################################# Remove   Edit  @url-html@ ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-remove-url-form,v $ # # Purpose : Template used to confirm removal of a particular URL # pattern from an actions file. Only used on browsers that # don't support JavaScript. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Standard support: # # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict. # # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser # and then upload it to for checking. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # filename # ver # section # pattern # oldval # jumptarget - append to eal URL to jump to relevant section # ############################################################################# Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Remove URL Pattern # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Remove URL Pattern

    Are you sure you want to delete this URL pattern? The pattern is:


    OK   Cancel

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/edit-actions-url-form,v $ # # Purpose : Template used to edit a URL pattern in an actions file. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # Original Author: Copyright (C) 2001 Jonathan Foster # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Standard support: # # This file currently produces valid HTML 4.01 Strict. # # If you change it, please save the generated page from your web browser # and then upload it to for checking. # ############################################################################# # # Available variables include: # # f - filename # v - version # s - section # p - pattern # u - old value of URL # jumptarget - append to eal URL to jump to relevant section # ############################################################################# Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Edit URL Pattern # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Edit URL or TAG Pattern


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    @ QSystem.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.IconIconDataIconSizeSystem.Drawing.Size System.Drawing.Sizewidthheight ( @ E*߶oրۘ,ۛ)ܞ)ܠ)ܢ(ݣ(CYU2ݤ(v΂ܦ*v5ݧ*w2ݨ*oۢvр ݩ*Tsݪ*]ݫ*ݬ+؝:؞:י;p!D J۶۩̓\ʇYb۪ע۪G՜ڪOPb!.f}vB ########################################################## # # Forwarding-failed template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written in plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # gateway # The IP or hostname of the forwarding server # hostport: # The host and port part of the request that lead to this problem # path: # The path part of the request that lead to this problem # error-message: # The failure reason. # forwarding-type: # The type of the forwarding request: "socks4-", "socks4a-" # or (in the future) "" for direct connections to the forwarder. # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # 503 - Forwarding failure (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    503 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Forwarding failure

    Privoxy was unable to @forwarding-type@forward your request @protocol@@hostport@@path@ through @gateway@: @error-message@

    Just try again to see if this is a temporary problem, or check your forwarding settings and make sure that all forwarding servers are working correctly and listening where they are supposed to be listening.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ############################################################################# # $Id: match-all.action,v 1.3 2010/03/27 18:48:38 fabiankeil Exp $ # # This file contains the actions that are applied to all requests and # may be overruled later on by other actions files. Less experienced # users should only edit this file through the actions file editor. # ############################################################################# { \ +change-x-forwarded-for{block} \ +client-header-tagger{css-requests} \ +client-header-tagger{image-requests} \ +hide-from-header{block} \ +set-image-blocker{pattern} \ } / # Match all URLs RMZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PELs5I# 8^ `d! pZ$T.text P`.datad@0.rdata`FH@`@.bss `@.edataZp>@0@.idata$F@0.relocTL@0BUS`dt?`d'9rtЋ`d9st&$H1҉`d$,X[]UVSu tGt$ED$E$à 1uGu `duF1ۉ؍e[^] $`dt+`dT/벍 1먍v'U`dD$`dD$E$MɃÍU`dD$`dD$E$ÐUMW}Vu S[FFFFFFFFF F F F F FFJwqqi)i)Ӂ<FFFFFFFFF F F F F FF˃rOtFOuqi)i)É [^_]FOuvغqi) vˁv떉'UqM}}uq]] i)׉}iU)ٍ)с9vpw9'vv] u}]ÍȐU8h}Eu} ]dEuEEEEEEEEL$ T$E4$D$n.t ]u}]É4$D$|t 4$-ۉu͋]u}]ËE4$묍UD$ED$ ED$E D$E$ UU] D ÐU d]ÍU1VU SuӋEv'C0 d1Nu߃!1ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d3 d d11ы d3 d 3 d d14vO 1ы d3 d3 d d1wC0 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    You can consult the online documentation for more information about this Privoxy installation.

    Address e-mail questions about this Privoxy installation to @admin-address@, who will be glad to help you.

     ############################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/mod-support-and-service,v $ # # Purpose : Template that is included from most of Privoxy's CGI pages # to show the user how to get help or report problems. # # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2002-2009 members of # the Privoxy team. # # This template is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # ##############################################################################

    Support and Service:

    The Privoxy Team values your feedback. To provide you with the best support, we ask that you:

    If you want to support the Privoxy Team, please have a look at the FAQ to learn how to participate or to donate.


    This is Privoxy @version@ on @my-hostname@ (@my-ip-address@), port @my-port@, @if-enabled-display-then@enabled@else-not-enabled-display@disabled@endif-enabled-display@



    This Privoxy version is based on @code-status@ code and not intended for production systems!
    Use at your own risk. See the license for details.

    ########################################################## # # no-server-data Error Output template for Privoxy. # ########################################################## 502 - No server or forwarder data received (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    502 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    No server or forwarder data received

    Your request for @protocol@@hostport@@path@ could not be fulfilled, because the connection to @host@ (@host-ip@) has been closed before Privoxy received any data for this request.

    This is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.

    If you get this message very often, consider disabling connection-sharing (which should be off by default). If that doesn't help, you may have to additionally disable support for connection keep-alive by setting keep-alive-timeout to 0.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # No-Such-Domain Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the proxy's administrator, as configured # in the 'config' file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # host: # The host part of the request that lead to this problem # hostport: # The host and port part of the request that lead to this problem # path: # The path part of the request that lead to this problem # proxy-info-url: # The URL to local online Privoxy documentation, if define in the # 'config' file # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # 404 - No such Domain (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    404 #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    No such domain

    Your request for @protocol@@hostport@@path@ could not be fulfilled, because the domain name @host@ could not be resolved.

    This is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $PELQT 86@6 p|.text P`.data0  @`.rdata)*@`@.bss50@.idatap@0.rsrc|~,@0U]E1ۉu1=wC=r[$1҉T$tzt$л؋u]]=twJ=t؋u]]=t[=u$1t$tjt$=$D$v#l$ 1D$\t0R$ ?$L$,%$ D$ 'US$$@蕆萇EED$C$0ED$ ED$0ED$UEtdCsEtUED$sE@0$sEt(UED$sE@P$_ CC螃&D$0ED$0E$U$"D$sE@$sE@U$sE&U$sE&U sE]t&U sE]ᐐUWV1SU }_!!؉GJ ȉG&$HiDF#E \tDtۉ$c1Dˉ}E 1U ETUEG&U$T$"E$D$&uZEFEEEwU u;uE$D$"UT$ET$3&t[^_]ËET$E$D$n#l1[^_] UWVS }tf1CDt$61DC~vFT$5$$Ky<$1D$t$ [^_]fUS]$nt$X[]Í&'UWVS 1ۋE$:UD$1$D$PU UU BUBv'U Dt$ gUDC~1ۍ&'U UE <GTD$E4FT$!u"D$$!uC~ [^_]É'UWVS }u EC   Шu1tL{tB t$ 1Ҁ …t{t }tuC u{tu1t& [^_]ÍC1UC$}D$t!x\t+tU@$g1뱋E롉D$H$hfU1ҋEL$T$$pÍ&'UWVS}<$Et>EED$ED$EE$uE컀Du,Eu1[^_]Ð$ED$eu] ED$$Zeu݋]$v,s1ۍv4$ DD$e0Cvߋ]$|Q DD$C$d2$@0 Dt$jqKCw!C!GK ȉGC $DsHTEE2'*uD$1҉T$ $ED$E$YDCǍPTEy8p$D$%$1D$ED$P:vCD$IC1҉TE8|sDE$DCL<$CD$!lx $E$C;$DD$ cuuE D DD$$ oN$ E@D$DD$ho$Ks1D%]\$YD\$$ 1o$uDkD$wDD$'US]D$1$D$[]ÍvUWV1S }U !؉J ȉE \t$MaËD\F~Ս_P} 1U%f$UT$AuCEF3E uω$GTD$$D$t [^_]f$tvUWVS] E}E 1D$$ vtuto [$tYCt1D$1D$ 1D$E 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    Privoxy ran out of memory while processing your request.

    Please contact your proxy administrator, or try again later

    500 Internal Privoxy Error 500 Internal Privoxy Error

    500 Internal Privoxy Error

    Privoxy encountered an error while processing your request:

    Could not load template file or one of its included components.

    Please contact your proxy administrator.

    If you are the proxy administrator, please put the required file(s)in the (confdir)/templates directory. The location of the (confdir) directory is specified in the main Privoxy config file. (It's typically the Privoxy install directory).

    template_namersp500 Internal Privoxy Error 500 Internal Privoxy Error

    500 Internal Privoxy Error

    Privoxy encountered an error while processing your request:

    Unexpected internal error:

    Please file a bug report.

    %s%d%sLocation302 Local Redirect from Privoxytargethttp, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMTbufbuffer_size > (size_t)29HTTP/1.0HTTP/1.1200 OK%s %shead302403Wed, 08 Jun 1955 12:00:00 GMTLast-ModifiedSat, 17 Jun 2000 12:00:00 GMTExpiresno-cachePragmaPreparing to give head to %s.Content-Length: %dDatecloseConnectionContent-Type: text/htmlCache-Control404502503504r#include templatesOut of memory while generating template path for %s.Out of memory while generating full template path for %s.Not enough free memory to buffer %s.Cannot open template file %s: %Etemplatenametemplate_ptr@%s@sigTUSubstituting: s/%s/%s/%sError compiling template fill job %s: %dsigU%sFailed to execute s/%s/%s/%s. %sexports*template_ptr
  • = 00numhash > 0numhash == 0strlen(str) == lenstr == dest - lensrc - len <= cur_line->unprocessedfile->filenamefilelinepvaluepname*line != '\t'*line != ' 'settingsdescriptionaliasExpected a name=value pair on this {{description}} line, but couldn't find one.First (non-comment) line of the file must contain a header.This header does not specify a valid set of actions.Unknown or unexpected two-bracket header. Please remember that the system (two-bracket) headers must appear in the order {{settings}}, {{description}}, {{alias}}, and must appear before any actions (one-bracket) headers. Also note that system headers may not be repeated.Headers starting with '{' must have a closing bracket ('}'). Headers starting with two brackets ('{{') must close with two brackets ('}}').cur_line->unprocessed[0] == '{'Expected a name=value pair on this {{alias}} line, but couldn't find one.This alias does not specify a valid set of actions.cgi-error-filefilenamecgi-error-modifiedline-rawparse-errorline-datacgi-error-parsecur_linerb.actionpfileBlocking CGI edit request due to modification time mismatch.The CGI editor will be turned off after another %d mismatche(s).Timestamp mismatch limit reached, turning CGI editor off. Reload the configuration file to re-enable it.require_versionpedit-actions-remove-url-formujumptargetactions-fileedit-actions-url-form(?:)/checkedexportsvaluesoptionnamecgi-error-file-read-only reason specified.block-paramchange-x-forwarded-forchange-x-forwarded-for-param-blockaddchange-x-forwarded-for-param-addcontent-type-overwritetext/htmlcontent-type-overwrite-paramcrunch-client-headerX-Whatever:crunch-client-header-paramcrunch-if-none-matchcrunch-incoming-cookiescrunch-outgoing-cookiescrunch-server-headercrunch-server-header-paramdeanimate-gifsfirstdeanimate-gifs-param-firstlastdeanimate-gifs-param-lastdowngrade-http-versionfast-redirectssimple-checkfast-redirects-param-simple-checkcheck-decoded-urlfast-redirects-param-check-decoded-urlforce-text-modeforward-overrideone-form-only%xindexthis-filterfilter-typeabbr-filter-typeanchorforward-override-param-customforward .forward-override-paramhandle-as-empty-documenthandle-as-imagehide-accept-languagehide-accept-language-param-blockhide-accept-language-param-customde-dehide-accept-language-paramhide-content-dispositionhide-content-disposition-param-blockhide-content-disposition-param-customattachment; filename=WHATEVER.txthide-content-disposition-paramhide-from-headerhide-from-header-param-blockhide-from-header-param-customspam_me_senseless@sittingduck.xyzhide-from-header-paramhide-if-modified-sincehide-if-modified-since-param-blockhide-if-modified-since-param-custom-1hide-if-modified-since-paramhide-referrerconditional-forgehide-referrer-param-conditional-forgeconditional-blockhide-referrer-param-conditional-blockforgehide-referrer-param-forgehide-referrer-param-blockhide-referrer-param-custom 3.0.23hide-user-agent-paramlimit-connect443limit-connect-paramlimit-cookie-lifetimelimit-cookie-lifetime-param-custom60limit-cookie-lifetime-paramoverwrite-last-modifiedoverwrite-last-modified-param-blockreset-to-request-timeoverwrite-last-modified-param-reset-to-request-timerandomizeoverwrite-last-modified-param-randomizeprevent-compressionredirecthttp://localhost/redirect-paramsession-cookies-onlyset-image-blockerpatternset-image-blocker-param-patternblankset-image-blocker-param-blankset-image-blocker-param-custom < MAX_FILTER_TYPES{}s1s2filter_r%xfilter_n%xfilter_t%xUnknown filter type: %c for filter %s. Filter ignored.CUSTOMchange-x-forwarded-for-modeblock-modeset-image-blocker-modecrunch-server-header-modeforward-override-modehide-if-modified-since-modehide-accept-language-modechange-x-forwarded-for-paramcontent-type-overwrite-moderedirect-modeoverwrite-last-modified-modeoverwrite-last-modified-paramhide-referrer-modedeanimate-gifs-paramcrunch-client-header-modelimit-cookie-lifetime-modehide-from-header-modehide-content-disposition-modehide-user-agent-modelimit-connect-modefast-redirects-modefast-redirects-paramdeanimate-gifs-modeAZAAAZAZAZAZAZA AZAZAZAZAZAZAAsettoggleminitoggle-mini$Id: cgisimple.h,v 1.19 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: cgisimple.c,v 1.131 2014/10/18 11:28:49 fabiankeil Exp $defaultcspcgisimple.crsp404 Privoxy configuration page not foundcgi-error-404parametersshow-requestclient-requestprocessed-request image/gifblank302 Local Redirect from PrivoxyLocationpattern( @*?qqp?Content-Type: image/x-icon( @?qqp?cgi-style.cssContent-Type: text/cssCould not find cgi-style.css templateurl-info-osd.xmlContent-Type: application/opensearchdescription+xmlshow-version %s sourceversionsshow-url-infourlhttp://url-givenhttps://:// no-forwarderUnknown socks type: %d.%dfilters-might-be-ineffectiveprivoxy-is-toggled-offhttpsstandard.action (err != JB_ERR_OK) || (url_to_query->ssl == !strncmpic(url_param, "https://", 8)) Editmatches[Invalid URL specified!] No write access.http-forwardersocks-forwarderfinalvalid-urlsocks5tforward-portforward-hostgateway-portsocks-typegateway-hostsocks4acgi-editor-is-disabledsocks4socks5# This is the Privoxy control interface. # It isn't very useful to index it, and you're likely to break stuff. # So go away! User-agent: * Disallow: / Content-Type: text/plainExpiresrbUnexpected error while fseek()ing to the end of %s: %EUnexpected ftell() error while loading %s: %EUnexpected error while fseek()ing to the beginning of %s: %ECouldn't completely read file %s.Failed to open %s: %EFEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTERFEATURE_ACLFEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONSFEATURE_COMPRESSIONFEATURE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVEFEATURE_CONNECTION_SHARINGFEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTSFEATURE_FORCE_LOADFEATURE_GRACEFUL_TERMINATIONFEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKINGFEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIEFEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORTFEATURE_NO_GIFSFEATURE_PTHREADFEATURE_STATISTICSFEATURE_STRPTIME_SANITY_CHECKSFEATURE_TOGGLEFEATURE_TRUSTFEATURE_ZLIBFEATURE_DYNAMIC_PCREfileshow-statusinvocationTrust File indexFilter Filefile-descriptionfilepathoptionshave-stats   No write access.actions-filenamesNone specifiedhave-trustfilere-filter-filenameshave-filterfilerequests-blockedrequests-received  EditB.csstext/css.jpgimage/jpeg.jpegimage/jpeg.pngimage/png for local user-manual received while user-manual delivery is disabled...Rejecting the request to serve '%s' as it contains '/' or '..'text/htmlContent-Type guessed for %s: %sContent-Type(JB_ERR_FILE == err) || (JB_ERR_MEMORY == err)$Id: deanimate.h,v 1.15 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: deanimate.c,v 1.23 2012/03/09 16:24:36 fabiankeil Exp $colormap length = %d (%c)?GIF89aGIF87a$Id: encode.h,v 1.13 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: encode.c,v 1.29 2013/02/19 11:14:05 fabiankeil Exp $%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2B%2C%2F%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F%5B%5C%5D%5E%60%7B%7C%7D%7E%7F%80%81%82%83%84%85%86%87%88%89%8A%8B%8C%8D%8E%8F%90%91%92%93%94%95%96%97%98%99%9A%9B%9C%9D%9E%9F%A0%A1%A2%A3%A4%A5%A6%A7%A8%A9%AA%AB%AC%AD%AE%AF%B0%B1%B2%B3%B4%B5%B6%B7%B8%B9%BA%BB%BC%BD%BE%BF%C0%C1%C2%C3%C4%C5%C6%C7%C8%C9%CA%CB%CC%CD%CE%CF%D0%D1%D2%D3%D4%D5%D6%D7%D8%D9%DA%DB%DC%DD%DE%DF%E0%E1%E2%E3%E4%E5%E6%E7%E8%E9%EA%EB%EC%ED%EE%EF%F0%F1%F2%F3%F4%F5%F6%F7%F8%F9%FA%FB%FC%FD%FE%FF"&'<>bDbDbDbDbDstrlen(buf) < buf_sizeencode.cbytes_written < buf_size!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~*replace_with != '\0's != NULL$Id: errlog.h,v 1.30 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: errlog.c,v 1.122 2014/10/18 11:30:40 fabiankeil Exp $Fatal errorPrivoxy Error(De)compression failureSuccess, no errorOut of memoryMissing or corrupt CGI parametersError opening, reading or writing a fileParse errorFile has been modified outside of the CGI actions editor.0errlog.c`AgApAwAAAUA... [too long, truncated]Fatal error. You're not supposed tosee this message. Please file a bug report.%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SGif-DeanimateWritingConnectRequestUnknown log level%s %08lx %s: %s %08lx Fatal error: log_error()'s sanity checks failed.length: %d. Exiting.%s %08lx Fatal error: Out of memory in log_error().Bad format string: "%s".%.3ldErrorCGICrunch[null]%d%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %+03d%02d[too long]%uWSAEACCES - Permission deniedWSAEADDRINUSE - Address already in use.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL - Cannot assign requested address.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT - Address family not supported by protocol family.WSAEALREADY - Operation already in progress.WSAECONNABORTED - Software caused connection abort.WSAECONNREFUSED - Connection refused.WSAECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer.WSAEDESTADDRREQ - Destination address required.WSAEFAULT - Bad address.WSAEHOSTDOWN - Host is down.WSAEHOSTUNREACH - No route to host.WSAEINPROGRESS - Operation now in progress.WSAEINTR - Interrupted function call.WSAEINVAL - Invalid argument.WSAEISCONN - Socket is already connected.WSAEMFILE - Too many open sockets.WSAEMSGSIZE - Message too long.WSAENETDOWN - Network is down.WSAENETRESET - Network dropped connection on reset.WSAENETUNREACH - Network is unreachable.WSAENOBUFS - No buffer space available.WSAENOPROTOOPT - Bad protocol option.WSAENOTCONN - Socket is not connected.WSAENOTSOCK - Socket operation on non-socket.WSAEOPNOTSUPP - Operation not supported.WSAEPFNOSUPPORT - Protocol family not supported.WSAEPROCLIM - Too many processes.WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT - Protocol not supported.WSAEPROTOTYPE - Protocol wrong type for socket.WSAESHUTDOWN - Cannot send after socket shutdown.WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT - Socket type not supported.WSAETIMEDOUT - Connection timed out.WSAEWOULDBLOCK - Resource temporarily unavailable.WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND - Host not found.WSANOTINITIALISED - Successful WSAStartup not yet performed.WSANO_DATA - Valid name, no data record of requested type.WSANO_RECOVERY - This is a non-recoverable error.WSASYSNOTREADY - Network subsystem is unavailable.WSATRY_AGAIN - Non-authoritative host not found.WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED - WINSOCK.DLL version out of range.WSAEDISCON - Graceful shutdown in progress.(error number %d)length < log_buffer_size\x%.2xRe-FilterForceReceivedHeaderInfoRedirectActions%ld0 < loglevel%luoutbuf[log_buffer_size] == '\0'outbuf[log_buffer_size-1] == '\0'%lluret == 4sval != NULLival >= 05AɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAяAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAAxAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAɍAAɍALANo logfile configured. Please enable it before reporting any problems.Privoxy version 3.0.23Program name: %sa(Re-)Opening logfile '%s'init_error_log(): can't open logfile: '%s'Failed to reopen logfile: '%s'. Retrying after closing the old file descriptor first. If that doesn't work, Privoxy will exit without being able to log a message.NULL != logfname$Id: filters.h,v 1.46 2013/12/24 13:32:51 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: filters.c,v 1.192 2014/10/18 11:30:24 fabiankeil Exp $network->ss_family == netmask->ss_familyfilters.cCan not resolve [%s]:%s: %s 403 Request blocked by PrivoxyOverwriting Content-Type with %sContent-Typepatternredirect{} overruled by block.200 Request blocked by Privoxy/PRIVOXY-FORCEforce-prefixconnectforce-supporthttps://protocolhostportpathpath-ueblock-reasonblockedhandle-as-empty-document overruled by handle-as-image.image/gifhttp://blank302 Local Redirect from PrivoxyLocationForbidden CONNECT port.connect_port_is_forbidden(csp)urlhostoriginAt least one of the variables in '%s' had to be truncated before compilationCompiling dynamic pcrs job '%s' for '%s' failed with error code %d: %spattern->str != NULLttspcrs command "%s" changed "%s" to "%s" (%u hi%s).pcrs command "%s" didn't change "%s".pcrs command "%s" changed "%s" to "%s" (%u hi%s), but the result doesn't look like a valid URL and will be ignored.executing pcrs command "%s" to rewrite %s failed: %sold_urlpcrs_commandcheck-decoded-urlChecking "%s" for encoded redirects.?&Checking "%s" for unencoded redirects.Unable to decode "%s".Out of memory while searching for redirects.Out of memory while decoding URL: %ssubjectredirect_modeNo pcrs command recognized, assuming that "%s" is already properly formatted.New URL "%s" and old URL "%s" are the same. Redirection loop prevented.Percent-encoding redirect URL: %NFALSE == url_requires_percent_encoding(new_url)New URL is: %sReferer:a~ # Trusted referrer was: %s Out of memory adding pattern to trust fileFailed to append new entry for '%s' to trustfile '%s': %EFailed to append '%s' to trustfile '%s': %Enone setreferrer
  • %s
  • trusted-referrers
  • %s
    trust-infountrustedhave-trust-infoSkipped filter '%s' after job number %u: %s (%d)filtering %s%s (size %d) with '%s' produced %d hits (new size %d).Filter %s has empty joblist. Nothing to do.Inconsistent configuration: content filtering enabled, but no content filters available.lastSuccess! GIF shrunk from %d bytes to %d.failed! (no mem)GIF not changed.failed! (gif parsing)Need to de-chunk first%xInvalid first chunksize while stripping "chunked" transfer coding De-chunking successful. Shrunk from %d to %dParse error while stripping "chunked" transfer codingChunk size %u exceeds buffered data left. Already digested %u of %u buffered bytes.Invalid "chunked" transfer encoding detected and ignored.content_filters_enabled(csp->action)buffercan't allocate memory for forward-override{%s} Invalid forward-override syntax in: %s.Overriding forwarding settings based on '%s'forward-socks4strlen(forward_override_line) < sizeof(forward_settings) - 1forwardforward-socks4aforward-socks5NULL != fwdforward-socks5ttraceMax-Forwards:: %uDetected header '%s' in OPTIONS or TRACE request. Returning 501.501 Not ImplementedoptionsText mode enabled by force. Take cover!Text mode is already enabled.$Id: gateway.h,v 1.23 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: gateway.c,v 1.93 2012/12/07 12:45:20 fabiankeil Exp $anonymousMarking open socket %d for %s:%d in slot %d as unused.Remembering socket %d for %s:%d in slot %d.No free slots found to remember socket for %s:%d. Last slot %d.NULL != connectiongateway.cconnection->sfd != JB_INVALID_SOCKETreusable_connection[slot].in_usereusable_connection[slot].in_use == 0reusable_connection[slot].forward_port == 0reusable_connection[slot].forward_host == NULLreusable_connection[slot].forwarder_type == SOCKS_NONEreusable_connection[slot].gateway_port == 0reusable_connection[slot].gateway_host == NULLNULL != connection->hostInitialized %d socket slots.Forgetting socket %d for %s:%d in slot %d.sfd != JB_INVALID_SOCKETForwarding proxy mismatch. Previous proxy: %s. Current proxy: %sGateway mismatch. Previous gateway: %s. Current gateway: %sThe connection to %s:%d in slot %d timed out. Closing socket %d. Timeout is: %d. Assumed latency: %d.The connection to %s:%d in slot %d is no longer usable. Closing socket %d.Internal error in forwarded_connect(). Bad proxy type: %dCreated new connection to %s:%d on socket host name is longer than 255 characterssocks5_connect: %sNULL gateway host specified.socks4_connect: %sFound reusable socket %d for %s:%d in slot %d. Timestamp made %d seconds ago. Timeout: %d. Latency: %d. Requests served: %dNULL gateway host specifiedSOCKS5 impossible internal error - bad SOCKS typesocks4_connect: SOCKS4 impossible internal error - bad SOCKS type.SOCKS4 negotiation write failed.SOCKS4 negotiation timed outSOCKS4 negotiation got aborted by the serverinvalid gateway port specified.SOCKS5 negotiation write failed%sinvalid gateway port specifiedSOCKS5 negotiation timed outSOCKS5 negotiation got aborted by the serverbuffer cbuf too small.socks5 server unreachableSOCKS5 negotiation read failedSOCKS5 negotiation protocol version errorSOCKS5 authentication requiredSOCKS5 negotiation protocol errorn == sizeof(struct socks_op) + strlen(&(c->userid)) - sizeof(c->padding) + strlen(buf + csiz) + 1fwd->gateway_hostcould not resolve target hostsocks4_connect: %s %serrstr != NULLSOCKS4 negotiation read failed.SOCKS request rejected for reason code %d.Out of memory rebuilding client headersOptimistically sending %d bytes of client headers intended for %soptimistically writing header to: %s failed: %ESOCKS request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.SOCKS request rejected or failed.SOCKS request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client.SOCKS5 domain names unsupportedSOCKS5 client protocol errorSOCKS5 TTL expiredSOCKS5 connection refusedSOCKS5 host unreachableSOCKS5 network unreachableSOCKS5 request deniedeverything's peachySOCKS5 request faileduA|AnAgA`AYARAKA.A$Id: jbsockets.h,v 1.24 2014/06/02 06:22:20 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: jbsockets.c,v 1.131 2014/11/14 10:40:24 fabiankeil Exp $to socket %d: %Nfrom socket %d: %N%dPort number (%d) ASCII decimal representation doesn't fit into 6 bytesInvalid port numberunknownCan not resolve %s: %sFailed to get the host name from the socket structure: %sConnected to %s[%s]:%s.Attempt %d of %d to connect to %s failed. Trying again.Could not connect to [%s]:%s: %s.Could not get the state of the connection to [%s]:%s: %s; dropping on socket %d failed: %EFailed to drain socket %d: %EDrained %d bytes before closing socket %dGiving up draining socket %dgetsockname() truncated server addressUnable to resolve my own IP address: %sUnable to print my own IP address: %sselect(2) reported connected clients (number = %u, descriptor boundary = %u), but none found.Insuffcient memoryCan not save csp->ip_addr_str: %sWaiting on new client failed because select(2) returned 0. This should not happen.Waiting on new client failed because of problems in select(2): %s.Setting SO_LINGER on socket %d failed.Timeout #%u while trying to resolve %s. Trying again.could not resolve hostname %shostname %s resolves to unknown address type.$Id: project.h,v 1.209 2014/11/16 18:43:48 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: jcc.h,v 1.35 2014/06/02 06:22:21 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: jcc.c,v 1.435 2015/01/24 16:42:57 fabiankeil Exp $HTTP/1.1 503 Too many open connections Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Maximum number of open connections reached. 0A`AHTTP/1.1 502 Server or forwarder response invalid Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Bad response. The server or forwarder response doesn't look like HTTP. HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established Proxy-Agent: Privoxy/3.0.23 A0ApA`A@HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid header received from client Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Invalid header received from client. HTTP/1.1 504 Connection timeout Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close The connection timed out because the client request didn't arrive in time. HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid request received from client Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Invalid request. Privoxy doesn't support gopher. HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid request received from client Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Invalid request. Privoxy doesn't support FTP. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request received from client Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Bad request. Privoxy was unable to extract the destination. HTTP/1.1 400 Malformed request after rewriting Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Bad request. Messed up with header filters. HTTP/1.1 400 Failed reading client body Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Failed parsing or buffering the chunk-encoded client body. HTTP/1.1 417 Expecting too much Proxy-Agent: Privoxy 3.0.23 Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Privoxy detected an unsupported Expect header value. %sNo reason recorded%s: %s%s - - [%T] "%s" %s %uCouldn't deliver the error message through client socket %d: %ENo server data receivedUnsupported HTTP featureBlockedUntrustedRedirectedCGI CallDNS failureForwarding failedConnection failureOut of memory (may mask other reasons)Connection timeoutrsp != NULLjcc.crsp->head != NULLAAA#A-A7AAAKAUA#A_AAsfd != JB_INVALID_SOCKETNULL != http->hostNULL != fwdserver_connection->gateway_host == NULLserver_connection->gateway_port == 0server_connection->forwarder_type == 0server_connection->forward_host == NULLserver_connection->forward_port == 0Marking the server socket %d tainted.GET ftp://GET gopher://FTPGOPHER%s tried to use Privoxy as %s proxy: %s%s - - [%T] "%s" 400 0No complete request line received yet. Continuing reading from %d.No request line on socket %d received in time. Timeout: %d./PRIVOXY-FORCEIgnored force prefix in request: "%s".Couldn't parse request line received from %s: %s%s - - [%T] "Invalid request" 400 0Enforcing request: "%s".Failed to update server headers. after filtering.Out of memory parsing server headerwrite modified content to client failed: %ETransfer-Encoding:The client side of the connection on socket %d got closed without sending a complete request line.%s's request: '%s' is invalid. Privoxy isn't configured to accept intercepted requests.%x Chunked client body completely read. Length: %dReduced expected bytes to %llu to account for the %llu ones we already got.GETComplete client request followed by %d bytes of pipelined data received.Rejecting request from client %s with unsupported Expect header value%s - - [%T] "%s" 417 0Stopped grabbing the client from client failed: %E*req != '\0'Privoxy was unable to get the destination for %s's request: %s %sCouldn't parse rewritten request: %s.%s - - [%T] "Invalid request generated" 500 0Invalid request line after applying header filters.HTTP/1.1Failed to parse client request from %s.Complete client request received. Out of memory writing HTTP commandNew HTTP Request-Line: %s%s%svia [%s]:%d to: %sforwarding-failedReducing expected bytes to 0. Marking the server socket tainted after throwing %llu bytes away.Rewrite detected: %sRead the client body failed: %E%s - - [%T] "Failed reading chunked client body" 400 0Request from %s marked for blocking. limit-connect{%s} doesn't allow CONNECT requests to %sPossible pipeline attempt detected. The connection will not be kept alive and we will only serve the first request.HEADTRACEOPTIONSDELETEThere better be a request body.HTTP/1.0gateway spec is NULL!?!? This can't happen!to %sconnect-failedOut of memory parsing client headerto %s successful0 Looks like we got the last chunk together with the server headers but didn't detect it earlier. We better stop reading.Done reading from server. Content length: %llu as expected. Bytes most recently read: %d.Waiting for up to %d bytes from the client.Expected client content length set to %llu after reading %d bytes.Done reading from the client.len <= max_bytes_to_readReceived %llu bytes while expecting %llu.%s - - [%T] "%s" 200 %lluLooks like we reached the end of the last chunk. We better stop failed!: %Eread from: %s failed: %EStopping to watch the client socket %d. There's already another request waiting.The server still wants to talk, but the client may already have hung up on us.max_bytes_to_read < sizeof(buf)Already forwarded the original headers. Unable to tell the client about the problem.CONNECT already confirmed. Unable to tell the client about the problem.The client closed socket %d while the server socket %d is still open.Flushing header and buffers. Stepping back from filtering.Flush header and buffers to client failed: %EOut of memory while trying to flush.write to client failed: %EHTTP/1.1 100Continue hack in da house.Out of memory while looking for end of server headers.Out of memory while enlisting server headers. %s lost.Didn't receive data in time: %sconnection-timeoutFailed sending request body to: %s: %Ewrite to: %s failed: %EDone reading from server. Expected content length: %llu. Actual content length: %llu. Bytes most recently read: %d.Continuing buffering server headers from socket %d. Bytes most recently read: %d.HTTPICYLooks like we got the last chunk together with the server headers. We better stop reading.write header to client failed: %ENo server or forwarder response received on socket %d. Closing client socket %d without sending data.%s - - [%T] "%s" 502 0csp->iob->eod >= csp->iob->curNo server or forwarder response received on socket server headers. Applying the MS IIS5 hack didn't help.Invalid server or forwarder response. Starts with: %s!http->sslcsp->headers->first->strClosed server connection detected. Applying the MS IIS5 hack didn't help.Failed sending request headers to: %s: %Ecsp->client_iob->eod >= csp->client_iob->curcsp->client_iob->eod > csp->client_iob->cur + csp->expected_client_content_lengthNULL != acceptable_connect_portsClosing server socket %d connected to %s. Total requests: %u.Timeout while waiting for the client body.Reusing server socket %d connected to %s. Total requests: %u.p <= iob->eod*length <= (size_t)(iob->eod - iob->cur)http->ssl == 0no-such-domaincsp->headers->last == NULLShifting %d pipelined bytes by %d bytesbytes_to_shift > 0csp->client_iob->eod == csp->client_iob->buf + bytes_to_shift + data_lengthdata_length > 0Accepted connection from %s on socket %dClosing server socket %d connected to %s. Keep-alive %u. Tainted: %u. Socket alive %u. Timeout: %u.Closing server socket %d connected to %s. Keep-alive: %u. Tainted: %u. Socket alive: %u. Timeout: %u. Configuration file change detected: %uClosing client socket %d. Keep-alive: %u. Socket alive: %u. Data available: %u. Configuration file change detected: %u. Requests received: %u.Waiting for the next client request on socket %d. Keeping the server socket %d to %s open.Client request %u arrived in time on socket %d.Tainting client socket %d due to unread data.Waiting for the next client request on socket %d. No server socket to keep open.Client request %d has been pipelined on socket %d and the socket is still alive.Waiting for %d connections to timeout.No connections to wait for left.Listening on port %d on IP address %scan't bind to %s:%d: %EListening on port %d on all IP addressescan't bind to %s:%d: There may be another Privoxy or some other proxy running on port %dcan't bind to %s:%d: The hostname is not resolvableINADDR_ANYListening for new connections ... malloc(%d) for csp_list failed: %Eaccept failed: %EConnection from %s on socket %d dropped due to ACLa loader failed - must exitUnable to take any additional connections: %ERejecting connection from %s. Maximum number of connections reached.config.txt--install--uninstall--service$Id: list.h,v 1.19 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: list.c,v 1.32 2014/11/14 10:39:49 fabiankeil Exp $the_listlist.clist_is_valid(the_list)num_significant_chars <= strlen(str)str%s: %s*p != '\r'*p != '\n'valuename%s written < bytes_leftwritten > 0bytes_left == 3text[text_length] == '\0'text_length == cursor - textlist_is_valid(dest)list_is_valid(src)destsrcthe_map$Id: loadcfg.h,v 1.17 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: loadcfg.c,v 1.142 2014/10/18 11:27:28 fabiankeil Exp $Directive %s used with invalid argument '%s'. Use either '0' or '1'.Directive %s used without argumentname != NULLloadcfg.cvalue != NULLr unrecognized directive '%s' (%uU) in line %lu in configuration file (%s). Warning: Ignoring unrecognized directive:
    Config line too long: %s Wrong number of parameters for permit-access directive in configuration file.
    WARNING: Wrong number of parameters for permit-access directive in configuration file. WARNING: Invalid destination address, port or netmask for deny-access directive in configuration file: ""

    directive_hash == hash_forward_socks5tInvalid socket-timeout: '%s'Bad URL specifier for forward directive in configuration file.
    WARNING: Bad URL specifier for forward directive in configuration file.Invalid destination address, port or netmask for permit-access directive in configuration file: "%s"
    WARNING: Invalid destination address, port or netmask for permit-access directive in configuration file: "Invalid source address, port or netmask for permit-access directive in configuration file: "%s"
    WARNING: Invalid source address, port or netmask for permit-access directive in configuration file: "Invalid source address, port or netmask for deny-access directive in configuration file: "%s"
    WARNING: Invalid source address, port or netmask for deny-access directive in configuration file: "ordered_header_list != NULLBad URL specifier for forward-socks4 directive in configuration file.
    WARNING: Bad URL specifier for forward-socks4 directive in configuration file.$Id: loaders.h,v 1.32 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: loaders.c,v 1.100 2015/01/24 16:40:21 fabiankeil Exp $newline == NULL || *newline == NEWLINE_UNKNOWN || *newline == NEWLINE_UNIX || *newline == NEWLINE_DOS || *newline == NEWLINE_MACloaders.c NULL != datafpraw_out || data_outOut of memory loading a config filerLoading trust file: %scan't load trustfile '%s': %EToo many trusted referrers. Current limit is %d, you are using %d. Additional trusted referrers are treated like ordinary trusted URLs. (You can increase this limit by changing MAX_TRUSTED_REFERRERS in project.h and recompiling).Loading filter file: %sFILTER:SERVER-HEADER-FILTER:CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER:CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER:SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER: Reading in filter "%s" ("%s")Out of memory while encoding this filter's description to HTMLAdding dynamic re_filter job '%s' to filter %s succeeded.Adding static re_filter job '%s' to dynamic filter %s succeeded.Adding re_filter job '%s' to filter %s succeeded.No description available for this filtercan't load re_filterfile '%s': %EIgnoring job %s outside filter block in %s, line %dNULL != blOut of memory while enlisting re_filter job '%s' for filter %s.Adding re_filter job '%s' to filter %s failed: %sJB_ERR_OK == error$Id: miscutil.h,v 1.37 2012/11/24 13:58:17 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: miscutil.c,v 1.78 2012/11/24 13:58:17 fabiankeil Exp $new_str != NULLmiscutil.cnew_buf != NULLdst < srcrange != 0range > 0%s\malloc failed!NULL != pathtarget_stringtext_to_appendTZTZ=UTCTZ=$Id: parsers.h,v 1.56 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $;Zx0Nm<[y1On$Id: parsers.c,v 1.298 2015/01/24 16:41:51 fabiankeil Exp $BBBBreferer:user-agent:ua-from:cookie:x-forwarded-for:Accept-Encoding:TE:Host:if-modified-since:Keep-Alive:Content-Length:Proxy-Connection:connection:max-forwards:Accept-Language:if-none-match:Range:Request-Range:If-Range:X-Filter:Proxy-Authorization:Expect:*DBD `BDBD0BDBDPBDBD@BDBDBD BDBDB$D B0D pB>DBODB^DPBeDPBtD PB~D pBDBDBDBDBBBHTTP/set-cookie:Content-Type:Content-MD5:Content-Encoding:Transfer-Encoding:content-disposition:Last-Modified:Proxy-Authenticate:DB D B$D BD B$D B1DBDBD BDpBCDBVDBkDBzDBD0BDBJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday%Y-%m-%d%H:%M%H:%M:%S%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%I:%M:%S %pAM%m/%d/%yPMB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B3BĒBBBBWBBOBŒB B B B?B BB B BBPB!BBBB!BLB@B B B B B B B3BĒB BёBёB B@BĒB BBOB BʍBB B׏B B*BHBBB BBBGBʔBFB B B BB B B B B BB BBBB B B B B B B B B B B B B%B%B B B B B B B BgB B B B B B B B B BB B“BBuffer limit reached while extending the buffer (iob). Needed: %d. Limit: %dExtending the buffer (iob) failed: %EBuffer too small decompressing iob1.2.3Decompression successful. Old size: %d, new size: %d.Invalid gzip header when decompressingUnreasonable amount of bytes to skip (%d). Stopping decompressionUnexpected end of compressed iob. Using what we got so far.Buffer limit reached while decompressing iobOut of memory decompressing iobUnexpected error decompressing the buffer (iob): %d==%d, %d>%d, %d<%dzstr.avail_out == tmpbuf + bufsize - (char *)zstr.next_outparsers.c(char *)zstr.next_out == tmpbuf + ((char *)oldnext_out - buf)Inconsistent stream state after decompression: %sError initializing decompressionSkipping %d bytes for gzip compression. Does this sound right?Malformed gzip header detected. Aborting decompression.Decompression didn't result in any content.Unable to determine compression format for decompressioncsp->iob->eod - csp->iob->cur > 0csp->iob->cur - csp->iob->buf > 0bufsize >= skip_sizeUnexpected error while decompressing to the buffer (iob): %sInvalid gzip header flags when decompressingOut of memory in get_header_line()ret != NULLOut of memory while appending multiple headers.Merged multiple header lines to: '%s'Reducing whitespace in '%s'Converting tab to space in '%s'Failed to read a multi-line header properly: '%s'Ignoring single quote in '%s'header_nameheader_listscan: %sTagger '%s' created an empty tag. Ignored.Enlisting sorted header %sProblems with tagger '%s' and header '%s': %sTagger %s has empty joblist. Nothing to do.Insufficient memory to add tag '%s', based on tagger '%s' and header '%s'Tagger '%s' didn't add tag '%s'. Tag already presentAction bits updated accordingly.No action bits update necessary.Tagger '%s' added tag '%s'. %sEnlisting left-over header %sFailed to enlist %sNULL != headerNULL != headers->first->strfiltering '%s' (size %d) with '%s' ...Transforming "%s" to "%s"... produced %d hits (new size %d).Removing empty header %sFiltering '%s' with '%s' didn't work out: %sFreeing what's left: %sFilter %s has empty joblist. Nothing to do.Connection: keep-aliveKeeping the server header '%s' around.Connection: closeReplaced: '%s' with '%s'timeout=timeout=%uCouldn't parse: %sServer keep-alive timeout is %u. Sticking with %u.Reducing keep-alive timeout from %u to %u.Forwarding proxy authentication headers is disabled. Crunching: %s: : %uCouldn't parse: '%s'. Using default timeout %ukeep-alive support is disabled. Crunching: %s.Client keep-alive timeout is %u. Sticking with %u.%I64uCrunching invalid header: %s*(*header+14) == ':'Connection: closeKeeping the client header '%s' around. The connection will not be kept alive.Keeping the client header '%s' around. The server connection will be kept alive if possible.HTTP/1.1Removing '%s' to imply keep-alive.crumble crunched: %s!closeThe client connection can be kept alive due to: %schunkedExpecting chunked client bodyExpect: 100-continueUnsupported client expectaction: %sCrunching server header: %s (contains: %s)text/plainxml%s not replaced. It doesn't look like a content type that should be filtered. Enable force-text-mode if you know what you're doing.Multiple Content-Type headers detected. Removing and ignoring: %sContent-Type: Insufficient memory to replace Content-Type!Modified: %s!scriptimage/gifgzipMarking content type for %s as CT_TABOO because of %s.compressdeflateRemoving: %ssdchSDCH-compressed content detected, content filtering disabled. Consider suppressing SDCH offers made by the client.Crunching: %sCrunching Content-MD5blockCrunching %s!Content-Disposition: Content-Disposition header crunched and replaced with: %sSuppressed offer to compress contentSuppressed offer to compress transferReferer: http:///Referer forged to: %sNULL == *header/PRIVOXY-FORCEconditional-blockconditional-forgehttp://forgeReferer: Referer crunched!Referer replaced with: %sparameter != NULLhttps://Parameter: +hide-referrer{%s} is a bad idea, but I don't care.New host is: %s. Crunching %s!Crunching Accept-Language!Accept-Language: Insufficient memory. Accept-Language header crunched without replacement.Accept-Language header crunched and replaced with: %sCrunching client header: %s (contains: %s)User-Agent: Modified: %scrunched User-Agent!crunched From! modifiedFrom: Crunched outgoing cookie: %scrunched x-forwarded-for!add, Appended client IP address to %sInvalid change-x-forwarded-for parameter: '%s'Content-Length: %lluDBCDB1DBHEADContent modified with no Content-Length header set. Created: %s.Adjusted Content-Length to %llutrace: %dMax-Forwards: %dMax-Forwards value for %s request reduced to %d.options*(*header+12) == ':'New host and port from Host field: %s = %s:%dCrunching %sX-Filter: NoAccepted the client's request to fetch without filtering.force-text-mode overruled the client's request to fetch without filtering!Ignored the client's request to fetch without filtering.: bytes=0-Content filtering is enabled. Crunching: '%s' to prevent range-mismatch problems.addh-unique: Host: %sHostWeirdness in client_host_adder detected and ignored.addh: %sX-Forwarded-For: Connection: closeAdding: %sA HTTP/1.1 response without Connection header implies keep-alive.Proxy-Connection: keep-aliveConnection: closeHTTP/%u.%u %dUnsupported HTTP version. Downgrading to 1.1.HTTP/%u.%u %d %sResponse line lacks reason phrase: %sResponse line '%s' changed to '%s'Downgrading answer to HTTP/1.0Failed to parse the response line: %s%a, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S%A %b %d %H:%M:%S %YFailed to parse '%s' using '%s'. Moving on.header_time != NULLreset-to-request-timeLast-Modified: Insufficient memory. Last-Modified header got lost, boohoo.randomizeRandomizing: %sCouldn't parse time in %s (crunching!)Reset to present time: %s%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMTRandomizing '%s' failed. Crunching the header without replacement.Randomized ... or not. No time difference to work with.)s)eesrrsyysRandomized: %s (added %d da%s %d hou%s %d minut%s %d second%sServer time in the future.Insufficient memory, header crunched without replacement.If-Modified-Since: Wed, 08 Jun 1955 12:00:00 GMTCrunching useless If-Modified-Since header.Randomizing: %s (random range: %d minut%s)Random range is 0. Assuming time transformation test.If-Modified-Since: subtractedaddedRandomized: %s (%s %d hou%s %d minut%s %d second%sCrunching incoming cookie: %sexpires=Cookie rewritten to a temporary one: %sCan't parse '%s', send by %s. Unsupported time format?Cookie '%s' is already expired and can pass unmodified.; expires=%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMTCookie rewritten to: %sCookie '%s' can pass unmodified. Its lifetime is below the limit.Out of memory in add_cooky_expiry()Invalid cookie lifetime limit: %sFailed to get the time in add_cooky_expiry_date()NULL != *headerDestination extracted from "Host:" header. New request URL: %sNo "Host:" header found.Failed to get the Content-Length in %s$Id: ssplit.h,v 1.12 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: ssplit.c,v 1.20 2012/07/23 12:47:01 fabiankeil Exp $ *str == '\0'ssplit.c$Id: urlmatch.h,v 1.21 2013/11/24 14:25:19 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: urlmatch.c,v 1.85 2014/07/25 11:56:26 fabiankeil Exp $httpurlmatch.c.More than SZ(vec) components in domain or none at all.!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~http:///https://*Invalid port in URL: %s.GETHEADPOSTPUTDELETEOPTIONSTRACECONNECTPROPFINDPROPPATCHMOVECOPYMKCOLLOCKUNLOCKBCOPYBMOVEBDELETEBPROPFINDBPROPPATCHSUBSCRIBEUNSUBSCRIBENOTIFYPOLLVERSION-CONTROLREPORTCHECKOUTCHECKINUNCHECKOUTMKWORKSPACEUPDATELABELMERGEBASELINE-CONTROLMKACTIVITYPATCH/D3D8D=DADHDPDVD^DgDqDvD{DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDD$D*D;DFD HTTP/%u.%uUnsupported HTTP version: %sUnknown HTTP method detected: %sThe only supported HTTP versions are 1.0 and 1.1. This rules out: %sstrlen(http_version) >= 8Invalid anchoring in compile_pattern %d%serror compiling %s from %s: %s^%s%s$%s\.?$patternstrlen(pattern) < sizeof(rebuf) - 2TAG:NO-REQUEST-TAG:NO-RESPONSE-TAG:(D-D=Dbuf$Id: w32log.h,v 1.17 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: cygwin.h,v 1.8 2011/09/04 11:10:56 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: w32res.h,v 1.20 2011/09/04 11:10:56 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: w32log.c,v 1.48 2012/05/27 15:45:05 fabiankeil Exp $http:[^ ]*Crunch: Blocked:Crunch: UntrustedCrunch: Redirected:Crunch: DNS failureCrunch: Forwarding failedCrunch: Connection failureCrunch: Out of memoryConnect: Found reusable socketConnect: Reusing server socketConnect: Created new connection tohung up on usCrunching Referer:Error:referer:proxy-connection:proxy-agent:user-agent:host:accept:accept-encoding:accept-language:accept-charset:accept-ranges:date:cache-control:cache-last-checked:connection:content-typecontent-lengthcookielast-modified:pragma:server:etag:expires:warning:g_hwndLogBoxw32log.cPrivoxyLogWindowPrivoxyPrivoxyLogOwnerRichEditRichEdit20ARICHED20.DLLRICHED32.DLLopendoc\faq\index.htmldoc\user-manual\index.htmlLICENSE.txtONOFFNow toggled %s Privoxy$Id: w32taskbar.h,v 1.9 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: w32taskbar.c,v 1.14 2012/03/09 17:55:50 fabiankeil Exp $PrivoxyTrayWindowTaskbarCreatedPrivoxyPrivoxy version 3.0.23 for Windows Copyright (C) 2000-2010 the Privoxy Team ( Based on the Internet Junkbuster by Junkbusters Corp. This is free software; it may be used and copied under the GNU General Public License, version 2: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. $Id: win32.h,v 1.10 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: win32.c,v 1.19 2012/03/09 16:23:50 fabiankeil Exp $Privoxy ErrorCannot initialize WinSock library$Id: w32svrapi.h,v 1.4 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: w32svrapi.c,v 1.5 2011/09/04 11:10:56 fabiankeil Exp $Advapi32.dllCloseServiceHandleOpenSCManagerACan't load Advapi32.dll -- LoadLibrary failed!Can't find OpenSCManagerA -- GetProcAddress failed!Call to OpenSCManager failed -- GetLastError() returned %lu! OpenServiceACreateServiceADeleteServiceQueryServiceConfigAStartServiceCtrlDispatcherARegisterServiceCtrlHandlerASetServiceStatusPrivoxy ErrorPrivoxy InformationThis system doesn't support installing Privoxy as a service. WinNT/2000/XP are required for this feature. "%s" --serviceService was successfully created. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: You should now use the Services control panel to *** configure the startup type and user account details for the service. privoxyCan't open Service Control Manager - Service install failed! Administrator rights are required to create a service. Can't install service! Service was deleted successfully. Can't open Service Control Manager - Service uninstall failed! Administrator rights are required to delete a service. Service could not be deleted! Can't open service for delete access rights! $Id: pcrs.h,v 1.18 2013/11/24 14:23:28 fabiankeil Exp $$Id: pcrs.c,v 1.47 2015/01/24 16:40:59 fabiankeil Exp $... [too long, truncated](pcrs:) Everything's just fine. Thanks for asking.Unknown error. Privoxy out of sync with PCRE?(pcre:) Water in power supply(pcrs:) At least one variable was too big and has been truncated before compilation(pcrs:) Backreference out of range(pcrs:) Bad job - NULL job, pattern or substitute(pcrs:) PCRE error while studying the pattern(pcrs:) Syntax error while parsing command(pcrs:) No memory(pcre:) Fire in power supply(pcre:) No memory(pcre:) Bad node in pattern(pcre:) Bad magic number in code(pcre:) Unrecognized option bit(pcre:) NULL code or subject or ovectorCC CCC!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(C/C6C=CDCKCC?'`+&tnrfae00123456789ABCDEFascii_value < 256pcrs.cascii_value >= 0s$C'C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C$C&C$C&C$C$C$C&C$C$C$C$C$C&C$C$C$C$C&C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)Cr)C)Ca)C><#+*~%^-:;!@subjectpcrs_commands%c\$%s%c%s%cgT%s%cgTNULL != v->valueNULL == strchr(v->name, d)ret >= 0ret == trailer_size - 1sizeof(buf) == strlen(buf) + 1*+?{^.$|()[9C:Ce:CK:C):CQ;C9C9C:C9C9C9CP9C9C:C:CQ9CQ9C:C:C:C:CO9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C8C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C:C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C%9C%9C%9C9C9C9C9C9C9C?@[\]^_` ``@`  @ alphalowerupperalnumasciicntrldigitgraphprintpunctspacewordxdigit3.4 22-Aug-2000>C>C>C>C@>C>Cq>C\ at end of patternunrecognized character follows \\c at end of patternnumbers out of order in {} quantifiernumber too big in {} quantifierBC{BC{BC{BCBCBCBCBCBCBC{BC{BCzBC{BC{BCBC?CCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBC(CCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBC(CCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCPBCBCPBCPBCBCBCBCBC`BC`BC`BC`BCyBC~BC~BCzBCPBCPBC~BCmissing )range out of order in character classconditional group contains more than two branchesinvalid condition (?(0)missing terminating ] for character classnothing to repeatunknown POSIX class nameunrecognized character after (?lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthunrecognized character after (?<invalid escape sequence in character classinternal error: unexpected repeatPOSIX collating elements are not supportedtoo many capturing parenthesized sub-patternsWFC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC ECJC EC EC ECoICWFCfICSIC EC ECKC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC ECJC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC ECGCDC EC6IC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC ECFCWFCiUC2QCHUC2QC2QC2QC2QCTC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QCTC2QCOCTCTC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QC2QCTCXCXCXCXCYCXCw\C\C\C\Cx\Cx\C\C\C\C\Cv\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\Cunmatched parenthesesinternal error: code overflowback reference to non-existent subpatternregular expression too largethis version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 supportunknown option bit(s) setmalformed number after (?(missing ) after commenttoo many sets of parenthesesfailed to get memoryerroffset passed as NULLassertion expected after (?((?p must be followed by )bC ^C ^C ^CscC`CbCbC ^C ^CbC ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^CbC ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^CVaC]C ^CbC ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^C ^CbCbCfCxeC gCxeCxeCxeCxeCfCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCfCxeCwgCfCfCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCxeCfCeCAfCAfCAfCOfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCeCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCfCAfCAfCfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCvfCAfCAfCAfCmfCAfCAfCAfCAfCAfCdfCAfCAfCAfCAfC[fCqCpwCzCzC3zC`zCwCwCwCxCvCkCkCvCkC@lCqlClCpvCpvCpvCpvCpvCpvC zC zC&xCyCyCyCyCyCyCsCsCtCtCtCtCtCtCtC$uC$uCnC&jC&jC&jC&jC&jC&jC&jC&jCpC$mC2rCPjCoCoCoC1kCjC1kCjCwpCKuCnCkCwCqCjCCICCC|CC~C~C~C~C~CCCCfCSC@C&CCCCCC CCCCCCCɁCLCLCLCLCLCC\ at end of pattern\c at end of patternunrecognized character follows \numbers out of order in {} quantifiernumber too big in {} quantifiermissing terminating ] for character classinvalid escape sequence in character classrange out of order in character classnothing to repeatoperand of unlimited repeat could match the empty stringinternal error: unexpected repeatunrecognized character after (?too many capturing parenthesized sub-patternsmissing )back reference to non-existent subpatternerroffset passed as NULLunknown option bit(s) setmissing ) after commenttoo many sets of parenthesesregular expression too largefailed to get memoryunmatched parenthesesinternal error: code overflowunrecognized character after (?<lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthmalformed number after (?(conditional group contains more than two branches(?p must be followed by )unknown POSIX class namePOSIX collating elements are not supportedinternal errorinvalid repeat counts in {}pattern error? * + invalidunbalanced {}unbalanced []collation error - not relevantbad classbad escape sequenceempty expressionunbalanced ()bad range inside []expression too bigbad back referencebad argumentmatch failedunknown error code at offset %s%s%-6dőCCCCC̑CMingw runtime failure: VirtualQuery failed for %d bytes at address %p Unknown pseudo relocation bit size %d. 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Icon RemoverPrivoxy Icon Remover.exeGProperty can only be set to Nothing9WinForms_RecursiveFormCreate5WinForms_SeeInnerException Form1Shell_TrayWndTrayNotifyWndSysPagerToolbarWindow32privoxy.exe1NotifyIconOverflowWindow+IconRemover.ResourcesrL8Jmňz\V4?_ :       (( (0!   % (( ( )- )- )-1 )-1-1-1515199 5=9 5=-9 5- )- )-1-19 5 9 5 --  AE E EIM  ,    ? @ Q(EY]Y]]Y]4Q44              q u  }  MyTemplate8.0.0.0   My.Application My.Forms My.ComputerMy.WebServices My.User ((%     % XSystem.Windows.Forms.FormCreate__Instance__Dispose__Instance__My.MyProject.Formsa4System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocolCreate__Instance__Dispose__Instance__ )- - -- -- 515 1555-= -- )) -- )=   =)- 50 9 1 99 5-559959--  A       E  ! ! %%! !!%!  tmrMain = E I IYY]@3System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder4.0.0.0MM U4YKMicrosoft.VisualStudio.Editors.SettingsDesigner.SettingsSingleFileGenerator10.0.0.04 My.Settings ]TWrapNonExceptionThrows$cde78964-f0de-4051-a9d8-5b49ac3fc1ed!Copyright © JackEagles 2011Privoxy Icon Remover None83Removes the Privoxy icon from the Notification Areaii i_CorExeMainmscoree.dll% @jNgPRSDS+IԊJp C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\GetTheTray\GetTheTray\obj\Debug\Privoxy Icon Remover.pdb0H`x hh04VS_VERSION_INFO?DVarFileInfo$Translation0StringFileInfo 000004b04CommentsRemoves the Privoxy icon from the Notification Area,CompanyNameNoneTFileDescriptionPrivoxy Icon Remover0FileVersion1.0.0.0TInternalNamePrivoxy Icon Remover.exe\LegalCopyrightCopyright JackEagles 2011\OriginalFilenamePrivoxy Icon Remover.exeLProductNamePrivoxy Icon Remover4ProductVersion1.0.0.08Assembly Version1.0.0.0(  @/F !nd; ,+ABUVXZ.1 SU ..EE\[rrNP^=GGHIIJEE!#24mmhh,.+N )(*-{-.-, SPSzyqrqq 0NCE33%%ZJ"$0//1 ?qRUW} )A]^rrqqY[ _z CERQAC8`79ҖSUab||efeyQZ[ZZ=?(dprHIKjjfg*,]_거[y (:VQS{zutab 'H ?||efjk$%dW*,nHIWY[FqLOy~`d/2 m"  ` h ` : ########################################################## # # Show-Request-CGI Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # client-request: # The request and headers that the client sent. # processed-request: # What we would have rewritten this request to, if this had not # been intercepted. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy@@my-hostname@
  • In file: View
    { }
    (no matches in this file)
    Actions File


    None specified
    # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning


    Here you see the original headers that your client sent when requesting this page, along with the headers that Privoxy would have sent to the remote server if this request hadn't been intercepted.

    Original Client Request:


    Processed Request:


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    =########################################################## # # Show-Status-CGI Output template for Privoxy. # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach Privoxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the Privoxy administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of Privoxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The Privoxy version number # code-status: # The Privoxy development status: "alpha", "beta", or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # redirect-url: # The URL to a script that will redirect to the Privoxy # documentation for a given item # invocation: # The command line with which Privoxy was invoked # options: # The options read from the configfile, linked to their # explanations, plus warnings if parsing acl or forward # statements produced errors. # sourceversions: # A HTML-formatted list of the individual source file cvs versions # defines: # A HTML-formatted list of all conditional #defines used when # Privoxy was compiled # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # This is an alpha or beta Privoxy release # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for Privoxy's online documentation has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # statistics: # Privoxy was compiled with statistics support # have-stats: # There have been previous requests and statistics have # been collected. In this case, the following symbols # are available: # requests-received: # The number of requests received so far # requests-blocked: # The number of request blocked so far # percent-blocked: # The percentage of blocked requests # have-no-stats: # There haven't any statistics been collected yet # pcrs-support: # Privoxy was compiled with pcrs support # trust-support: # Privoxy was compiled with trust support # actions-filenames: # The path to the actions files. # re-filter-filenames: # The path to the re_filter files. Only available if # pcrs-support is set # trust-filename: # The path to the trust file. Only available if # trust-support is set Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Proxy Status # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    The following files are in use:

    @actions-filenames@ @re-filter-filenames@
    Actions Files:
    Filter Files:
    Trust File:
    @trust-filename@ View

    The CGI editor is currently disabled, thus no edit buttons are shown.
    Please have a look at the enable-edit-actions documentation to learn how to enable it and what the risks are.

    Privoxy was invoked as follows:


    The following options were given in the config file:


    Blocking Statistics:

    @requests-blocked@ out of @requests-received@ requests have been blocked, which equals a block rate of @percent-blocked@%.

    Note that the statistics currently don't work properly for reused connections where only the last request gets counted. You may want to look into Privoxy-Log-Parser's --statistics option, which doesn't have this limitation. There haven't been any requests so far.

    Conditional #defines:

    #define Enabled? Effects when enabled
    FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER @if-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER@ No @endif-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER@ Support for FreeBSD's accf_http(9) which is also available on some other BSDs.
    FEATURE_ACL @if-FEATURE_ACL-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ACL@ No @endif-FEATURE_ACL@ Allows the use of an ACL to control access to Privoxy by IP address.
    FEATURE_COMPRESSION @if-FEATURE_COMPRESSION-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_COMPRESSION@ No @endif-FEATURE_COMPRESSION@ Allows to compress buffered content before sending it to the client, assuming the client supports it.
    FEATURE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE @if-FEATURE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE@ No @endif-FEATURE_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE@ Allows to send multiple request through the same connections if the server supports it. Requires the keep-alive-timeout config directive to be set.
    FEATURE_CONNECTION_SHARING @if-FEATURE_CONNECTION_SHARING-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_CONNECTION_SHARING@ No @endif-FEATURE_CONNECTION_SHARING@ Allows to share outgoing connections between incoming connections. Requires the connection-sharing config directive to be set.
    FEATURE_DYNAMIC_PCRE @if-FEATURE_DYNAMIC_PCRE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_DYNAMIC_PCRE@ No @endif-FEATURE_DYNAMIC_PCRE@ Dynamically link to the PCRE library. This is set automatically by ./configure if you do not have libpcre installed. Dynamically linking to an external libpcre is recommended as the one that is distributed with Privoxy itself is outdated and lacks various features and bug-fixes you may be interested in.
    FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS @if-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS@ No @endif-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS@ Allows the +fast-redirects action, to bypass redirect and logging scripts.
    FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD @if-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD@ No @endif-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD@ Allows bypassing all filtering for a single page using the prefix @force-prefix@.
    FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING @if-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING@ No @endif-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING@ Allows the +handle-as-image action, to send blocked images instead of HTML.
    FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT @if-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT@ No @endif-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT@ Allows IPv6 addresses in incoming requests, when resolving domains to IP addresses and in the configuration files.
    FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE @if-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE@ No @endif-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE@ Enables automatic detection of image and HTML requests from Microsoft Internet Explorer users, overriding the setting of +image in the actions file.
    FEATURE_NO_GIFS @if-FEATURE_NO_GIFS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_NO_GIFS@ No @endif-FEATURE_NO_GIFS@ Use PNG instead of GIF for the built-in images.
    FEATURE_PTHREAD @if-FEATURE_PTHREAD-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_PTHREAD@ No @endif-FEATURE_PTHREAD@ Use POSIX threads rather than native threads
    FEATURE_STATISTICS @if-FEATURE_STATISTICS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_STATISTICS@ No @endif-FEATURE_STATISTICS@ Enables the statistics function.
    FEATURE_TOGGLE @if-FEATURE_TOGGLE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_TOGGLE@ No @endif-FEATURE_TOGGLE@ Allow Privoxy to be disabled so it is just a normal non-blocking non-anonymizing proxy.
    FEATURE_TRUST @if-FEATURE_TRUST-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_TRUST@ No @endif-FEATURE_TRUST@ Allows the use of trust files.
    FEATURE_ZLIB @if-FEATURE_ZLIB-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ZLIB@ No @endif-FEATURE_ZLIB@ Allows to decompress gzip and zlib compressed documents for filtering. Requires external zlib library and hasn't been tested on all platforms.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    ########################################################## # # Show-Status-CGI Output template for Privoxy. # (Variant for the show-file mode) # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # file-description: # A descriptive name for the file being shown # contents: # The contents of the file being shown # filepath # The complete filename of the file being shown # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # This is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Contents of @file-description@ # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Contents of @file-description@ @filepath@


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    V&######################################################################## # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/templates/show-url-info,v $ # # Purpose : Template for Privoxy's show-url-info CGI page. # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2007 the SourceForge # Privoxy team. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General # Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # The GNU General Public License should be included with # this file. If not, you can view it at # # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ######################################################################### # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach Privoxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the Privoxy administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for Privoxy's "main menu" builtin CGI page # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # Privoxy's version number # code-status: # Privoxy's development status: "alpha", "beta", or "stable". # homepage: # The Privoxy web site. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # url-given: # The CGI was called with a url parameter. In that case, the # following symbols are available: # url: # The given URL # default: # The system default for actions # matches: # The list of all matches in the actions file that this URL # produced, along with the actions that were triggered by # these matches # final: # The actions that are associated with the URL at the end of # the matching process # no-forwarder: Requests to url will be made directly. # http-forwarder: # Requests to url will be made through a HTTP proxy # forward-host: # The IP address or its hostname # forward-port. # The proxy port # socks-forwarder: # Requests to url will be made through a socks proxy # socks-type: # The socks type: socks4 or socks4a # gateway-host: # The IP address or its hostname # gateway-port: # The proxy port. # Privoxy@@my-hostname@ URL Info # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Forwarding settings:

    Requests for @url@ will be made directly, no forwarding settings apply first forwarded through @socks-type@-proxy @gateway-host@:@gateway-port@ and then forwarded through HTTP-proxy @forward-host@:@forward-port@.


    This is a HTTPS URL, so the part after the "/" is ignored as Privoxy doesn't see the path for real HTTPS requests either.

    Matches for @url@:


    The CGI editor is currently disabled, thus no edit buttons are shown.
    Please have a look at the enable-edit-actions documentation to learn how to enable it and what the risks are.


    This Privoxy version has been built without zlib support, content filters will not work if the server sends compressed content. Consider enabling the prevent-compression action for this URL or rebuild Privoxy with zlib support.

    Final results:



    Privoxy is currently toggled off. Matching actions will not apply unless you toggle Privoxy on first.

    Look up the actions for a new URL:

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    N########################################################## # # Show-Status-CGI Output template for Privoxy. # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # redirect-url: # The URL to a script that will redirect to the Privoxy # documentation for a given item # invocation: # The command line with whitch Privoxy was invoked # options: # The options read from the configfile, linked to their # explanations, plus warnings if parsing acl or forward # statements produced errors. # sourceversions: # A HTML-formatted list of the individual source file cvs versions # defines: # A HTML-formatted list of all conditional #defines used when # Privoxy was compiled # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # This is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # sourceversions # The versions. Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Detailed proxy version information # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Source code versions:

    (Note: This information is only relevant if you checked out Privoxy from CVS and compiled it yourself. If you downloaded a binary, .exe, RPM, or a .tgz file, then when you ask for support just mention the version number @version@ and the type of download you got.)


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    l########################################################## # # Toggle Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # @if-enabled-display-then@ on @else-not-enabled-display@ off @endif-enabled-display@ # @if-enabled-display-then@Enabled@else-not-enabled-display@Disabled@endif-enabled-display@ - Privoxy@@my-hostname@ # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Privoxy is @if-enabled-display-then@Enabled@else-not-enabled-display@Disabled@endif-enabled-display@

    When enabled, Privoxy performs its magic - blocking adverts, filtering cookies, regex-filtering, etc.

    When disabled, Privoxy behaves as a normal HTTP proxy, and will not affect your web browsing.

    Click here to @if-enabled-display-then@disable@else-not-enabled-display@enable@endif-enabled-display@ Privoxy.

    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
    3########################################################## # # Toggle Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # this is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # @if-enabled-display-then@ on @else-not-enabled-display@ off @endif-enabled-display@ # @if-enabled-display-then@Enabled@else-not-enabled-display@Disabled@endif-enabled-display@ - Privoxy@@my-hostname@

    Privoxy is @if-enabled-display-then@enabled@else-not-enabled-display@disabled@endif-enabled-display@.
    @if-enabled-display-then@[Disable]@else-not-enabled-display@[Enable]@endif-enabled-display@ | [Close]

    ###################################################################### # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/trust,v $ # # $Id: trust,v 1.6 2007/05/14 17:19:42 fabiankeil Exp $ # # Purpose : Trustfiles are an experimental feature and can be used # to build "whitelists" (versus the usual "blacklists" # techniques). # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright # Privoxy team. # # Based on the Internet Junkbuster originally written # by and Copyright (C) 1997 Anonymous Coders and # Junkbusters Corporation. # # We value your feedback. However, to provide you with the best support, # please note: # # * Use the support forum to get help: # # * Submit bugs only thru our bug forum: # # Make sure that the bug has not already been submitted. Please try # to verify that it is a Privoxy bug, and not a browser or site # bug first. If you are using your own custom configuration, please # try the stock configs to see if the problem is a configuration # related bug. And if not using the latest development snapshot, # please try the latest one. Or even better, CVS sources. # * Submit feature requests only thru our feature request tracker: # # # For any other issues, feel free to use the mailing lists: # # # Anyone interested in actively participating in development and related # discussions can join the appropriate mailing list here: # Archives are available # here too. # ###################################################################### # # Sample Trustfile for Privoxy # For this file to have any effect, the line in the main config file beginning # with "trustfile" must be uncommented, with the name of this file following the # word "trustfile". # Trustfiles are an experimental feature used for building "whitelists" # of "trusted" sites (versus the usual "blacklists" technique). For more # detail, see # List trusted domains here. The default is to block any URL that is NOT # referenced. Access to trusted domains includes all paths within that # domain. # Preceding a domain with a '+' character will designate that domain # as a "trusted referrer", meaning any requests whose HTTP "Referer" headers # contain an URL from that domain will be allowed, and the previously untrusted # host will be dynamically added to this file. Thus, this builds a "white-list" # of hosts the user is allowed to visit. # Note this means that the file will grow with use! # Also note that you can only trust referrers if you control the user's # system and make sure that there are no programs available that allow # to set arbitrary headers. # Preceding the domain with '~' character allows access to that domain only # (including all paths within that domain), but does not allow access to links # to other, outside domains. Sites that are added dynamically by trusted # referrers will include the '~' character, and thus do not become trusted # referrers themselves. # Example: to allow and to white-list domains that appear to # be reached through links from, uncomment this line: # # The next two lines make sure that the user can access Privoxy's # CGI pages, without automatically trusting their links. ~p.p ########################################################## # # "Untrusted" Error Output template for Privoxy. # # # USING HTML TEMPLATES: # --------------------- # # Template files are written win plain HTML, with a few # additions: # # - Lines that start with a '#' character like this one # are ignored # # - Each item in the below list of exported symbols will # be replaced by dynamically generated text, if they # are enclosed in '@'-characters. E.g. The string @version@ # will be replaced by the version number of Privoxy. # # - One special application of this is to make whole blocks # of the HTML template disappear if the condition # is not given. Simply enclose the block between the two # strings @if-start and if--end@. The strings # should be placed in HTML comments (), so the # html structure won't be messed when the magic happens. # # USABLE SYMBOLS IN THIS TEMPLATE: # -------------------------------- # # my-ip-addr: # The IP-address that the client used to reach this proxy # my-hostname: # The hostname associated with my-ip-addr # admin-address: # The email address of the pxoxy's administrator, as configured # in the config file # default-cgi: # The URL for the "main menu" builtin CGI of this proxy # menu: # List of
  • elements linking to the other available CGIs # version: # The version number of the proxy software # code-status: # The development status of the proxy software: "alpha", "beta", # or "stable". # homepage: # The URL of the SourceForge ijbswa project, who maintains this # software. # # hostport: # The host and port part of the request that lead to this problem # path: # The path part of the request that lead to this problem # referrer: # The referrer of the request that lead to this problem # trusted-referrers: # An HTML-formatted list of referrers that are marked as trusted in # the trustfile # # # CONDITIONAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS TEMPLATE AND THEIR DEPANDANT SYMBOLS: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # unstable: # This is an alpha or beta release of the proxy software # have-adminaddr-info: # An e-mail address for the local Privoxy adminstrator has # been specified and is available through the "admin-address" # symbol # have-proxy-info: # A URL for online documentation about this proxy has been # specified and is available through the "proxy-info-url" # symbol # have-help-info: # If either have-proxy-info is true or have-adminaddr-info is # true, have-help-info is true. Used to conditionally include # a grey box for any and all help info. # force-support: # Privoxy has been compiled with support for forced loading # of blocked content. In that case, the symbol "force-prefix" is # avaiable, which translates to the FORCE_PREFIX # have-trust-info: # There were URLs with info on the trust policy defined in the config # file. In this case the list of URLs is available through the # "trust-info" symbol. # # Untrusted request (Privoxy@@my-hostname@) # This will only appear if CODE_STATUS is "alpha" or "beta". See
    UNTRUSTED #include mod-title
    #include mod-unstable-warning

    Request for untrusted URL

    Your request for @protocol@@hostport@@path@ was blocked, because neither the request URL itself, nor its referrer (@referrer@) were trusted.

    (You can go there anyway.)

    The following referrers are trusted:


    More information on the trust policy:

    You can learn more about what this means and what you may be able to do about it by reading the following documents:


    More Privoxy:

    #include mod-support-and-service
    #include mod-local-help
     Privoxy URL Info Enter a URL to see which Privoxy actions apply. Only works while the browser is configured to use Privoxy. UTF-8 UTF-8 Privoxy Team @default-cgi@favicon.ico ####################################################################### # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/user.action,v $ # # $Id: user.action,v 1.13 2011/11/06 11:36:01 fabiankeil Exp $ # # Purpose : User-maintained actions file, see # # ###################################################################### # This is the place to add your personal exceptions and additions to # the general policies as defined in default.action. (Here they will be # safe from updates to default.action.) Later defined actions always # take precedence, so anything defined here should have the last word. # See, or the # comments in default.action, for an explanation of what an "action" is # and what each action does. # The examples included here either use bogus sites, or have the actual # rules commented out (with the '#' character). Useful aliases are # included in the top section as a convenience. ############################################################################# # Aliases ############################################################################# {{alias}} ############################################################################# # # You can define a short form for a list of permissions - e.g., instead # of "-crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies -filter -fast-redirects", # you can just write "shop". This is called an alias. # # Currently, an alias can contain any character except space, tab, '=', '{' # or '}'. # But please use only 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '+', and '-'. # # Alias names are not case sensitive. # # Aliases beginning with '+' or '-' may be used for system action names # in future releases - so try to avoid alias names like this. (e.g. # "+crunch-all-cookies" below is not a good name) # # Aliases must be defined before they are used. # # These aliases just save typing later: # +crunch-all-cookies = +crunch-incoming-cookies +crunch-outgoing-cookies -crunch-all-cookies = -crunch-incoming-cookies -crunch-outgoing-cookies allow-all-cookies = -crunch-all-cookies -session-cookies-only -filter{content-cookies} allow-popups = -filter{all-popups} -filter{unsolicited-popups} +block-as-image = +block{Blocked image request.} +handle-as-image -block-as-image = -block # These aliases define combinations of actions # that are useful for certain types of sites: # fragile = -block -crunch-all-cookies -filter -fast-redirects -hide-referer -prevent-compression shop = -crunch-all-cookies allow-popups # Your favourite blend of filters: # myfilters = +filter{html-annoyances} +filter{js-annoyances} +filter{all-popups}\ +filter{webbugs} +filter{banners-by-size} # Allow ads for selected useful free sites: # allow-ads = -block -filter{banners-by-size} -filter{banners-by-link} #... etc. Customize to your heart's content. ## end aliases ######################################################## ####################################################################### # Begin examples: ##################################################### # Say you have accounts on some sites that you visit regularly, and you # don't want to have to log in manually each time. So you'd like to allow # persistent cookies for these sites. The allow-all-cookies alias defined # above does exactly that, i.e. it disables crunching of cookies in any # direction, and the processing of cookies to make them only temporary. # { allow-all-cookies } # Say the site where you do your homebanking needs to open popup # windows, but you have chosen to kill popups uncoditionally by default. # This will allow it for # { -filter{all-popups} } # Some hosts and some file types you may not want to filter for # various reasons: # { -filter } # Technical documentation is likely to contain strings that might # erroneously get altered by the JavaScript-oriented filters: # #/(.*/)?selfhtml/ # And this stupid host sends streaming video with a wrong MIME type, # so that Privoxy thinks it is getting HTML and starts filtering: # # Example of a simple "block" action. Say you've seen an ad on your # favourite page on that you want to get rid of. You have # right-clicked the image, selected "copy image location" and pasted # the URL below while removing the leading http://, into a { +block{reason} } # section. Note that { +handle-as-image } need not be specified, since # all URLs ending in .gif will be tagged as images by the general rules # as set in default.action anyway: # { +block{Nasty ads.} } # The URLs of dynamically generated banners, especially from large banner # farms, often don't use the well-known image file name extensions, which # makes it impossible for Privoxy to guess the file type just by looking # at the URL. # You can use the +block-as-image alias defined above for these cases. # Note that objects which match this rule but then turn out NOT to be an # image are typically rendered as a "broken image" icon by the browser. # Use cautiously. # { +block-as-image } #/Realmedia/ads/ # Now you noticed that the default configuration breaks Forbes # Magazine, but you were too lazy to find out which action is the # culprit, and you were again too lazy to give feedback, so you just # used the fragile alias on the site, and -- whoa! -- it worked. The # 'fragile' aliases disables those actions that are most likely to break # a site. Also, good for testing purposes to see if it is Privoxy that # is causing the problem or not. # { fragile } # Here are some sites we wish to support, and we will allow their ads # through. # { allow-ads } # user.action is generally the best place to define exceptions and # additions to the default policies of default.action. Some actions are # safe to have their default policies set here though. So let's set a # default policy to have a 'blank' image as opposed to the checkerboard # pattern for ALL sites. '/' of course matches all URLs. # patterns: # { +set-image-blocker{blank} } #/ # Enable the following section (not the regression-test directives) # to rewrite and redirect click-tracking URLs on # Disabling JavaScript should work as well and probably works more reliably. # # Redirected URL = # Redirect Destination = # Ignore = Yes # #{+fast-redirects{check-decoded-url}}*&url=http.*& # Enable the following section (not the regression-test directives) # to block various Facebook "like" and similar tracking URLs. At the # time this section was added it was reported to not break Facebook # itself but this may have changed by the time you read this. This URL # list is probably incomplete and if you don't have an account anyway, # you may prefer to block the whole domain. # # Blocked URL = # Ignore = Yes # Blocked URL = # Ignore = Yes # Blocked URL = # Ignore = Yes # Blocked URL = # Ignore = Yes # #{+block{Facebook "like" and similar tracking URLs.}}|plugins)/(login_status|like(box)?|activity|fan)\.php Q # ******************************************************************** # # File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/user.filter,v $ # # $Id: user.filter,v 1.3 2008/05/21 20:17:03 fabiankeil Exp $ # # Purpose : Rules to process the content of web pages # # Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2006-2008 the # Privoxy team. # # We value your feedback. However, to provide you with the best support, # please note: # # * Use the support forum to get help: # # * Submit bugs only thru our bug forum: # # Make sure that the bug has not already been submitted. Please try # to verify that it is a Privoxy bug, and not a browser or site # bug first. If you are using your own custom configuration, please # try the stock configs to see if the problem is a configuration # related bug. And if not using the latest development snapshot, # please try the latest one. Or even better, CVS sources. # * Submit feature requests only thru our feature request forum: # # # For any other issues, feel free to use the mailing lists: # # # Anyone interested in actively participating in development and related # discussions can join the appropriate mailing list here: # Archives are available # here too. # ################################################################################# # # Syntax: # # Generally filters start with a line like "FILTER: name description". # They are then referrable from the actionsfile with +filter{name} # # FILTER marks a filter as content filter, other filter # types are CLIENT-HEADER-FILTER, CLIENT-HEADER-TAGGER, # SERVER-HEADER-FILTER and SERVER-HEADER-TAGGER. # # Inside the filters, write one Perl-Style substitution (job) per line. # Jobs that precede the first FILTER: line are ignored. # # For Details see the pcrs manpage contained in this distribution. # (and the perlre, perlop and pcre manpages) # # Note that you are free to choose the delimiter as you see fit. # # Note2: In addition to the Perl options gimsx, the following nonstandard # options are supported: # # 'U' turns the default to ungreedy matching. Add ? to quantifiers to # switch back to greedy. # # 'T' (trivial) prevents parsing for backreferences in the substitute. # Use if you want to include text like '$&' in your substitute without # quoting. # # 'D' (Dynamic) allows the use of variables. Supported variables are: # $host, $origin (the IP address the request came from), $path and $url. # # Note that '$' is a bad choice as delimiter for dynamic filters as you # might end up with unintended variables if you use a variable name # directly after the delimiter. Variables will be resolved without # escaping anything, therefore you also have to be careful not to chose # delimiters that appear in the replacement text. For example '<' should # be save, while '?' will sooner or later cause conflicts with $url. # ################################################################################# wHlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSethSystem.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aPADPAD _6PictureBox1.BackgroundImage@ QSystem.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.BitmapData uFPNG  IHDRxgAMA|Q cHRMR@}y<s,٩<9SbL!GĈ 3,F0+7T3IlpX"61"H _qW,d ėrIKst.ښAdp&+g]RәY2EE44432PuoJEzg`̉j- -b8o׿M]9La.+-%Mȧg3YះuAxEK i<:ŹPcu*@~(  ]o0 ~y*s7g%9%(3H*@C`-pn VH@ A1 jPA3hA'8΃Kn`Lg` a!2D!H҇ dAP B Byf*z: @]h ~L CUp΅ p%;56< ?" 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This Agreement sets the terms, rights, restrictions and obligations on using [Polarity Browser] (hereinafter: The Software) created and owned by Licensor, as detailed herein License Grant: Licensor hereby grants Licensee a Personal, Non-assignable & non-transferable, Non-commercial, Without the rights to create derivative works, Non-exclusive license, all with accordance with the terms set forth and other legal restrictions set forth in 3rd party software used while running Software. Limited: Licensee may use Software for the purpose of: Running Software on Licensee’s Website[s] and Server[s]; Allowing 3rd Parties to run Software on Licensee’s Website[s] and Server[s]; Publishing Software’s output to Licensee and 3rd Parties; Distribute verbatim copies of Software’s output (including compiled binaries); Modify Software to suit Licensee’s needs and specifications. Binary Restricted: Licensee may sublicense Software as a part of a larger work containing more than Software, distributed solely in Object or Binary form under a personal, non-sublicensable, limited license. Such redistribution shall be limited to {apps} codebases. Non Assignable & Non-Transferable: Licensee may not assign or transfer his rights and duties under this license. Non-Commercial: Licensee may not use Software for commercial purposes. for the purpose of this license, commercial purposes means that a 3rd party has to pay in order to access Software or that the Website that runs Software is behind a paywall. Term & Termination: The Term of this license shall be until terminated. Licensor may terminate this Agreement, including Licensee’s license in the case where Licensee : became insolvent or otherwise entered into any liquidation process; or exported The Software to any jurisdiction where licensor may not enforce his rights under this agreements in; or Licenee was in breach of any of this license's terms and conditions and such breach was not cured, immediately upon notification; or Licensee in breach of any of the terms of clause 2 to this license; or Licensee otherwise entered into any arrangement which caused Licensor to be unable to enforce his rights under this License. Payment: In consideration of the License granted under clause 2, Licensee shall pay Licensor a fee, via Credit-Card, PayPal or any other mean which Licensor may deem adequate. Failure to perform payment shall construe as material breach of this Agreement. Upgrades, Updates and Fixes: Licensor may provide Licensee, from time to time, with Upgrades, Updates or Fixes, as detailed herein and according to his sole discretion. Licensee hereby warrants to keep The Software up-to-date and install all relevant updates and fixes, and may, at his sole discretion, purchase upgrades, according to the rates set by Licensor. Licensor shall provide any update or Fix free of charge; however, nothing in this Agreement shall require Licensor to provide Updates or Fixes. Upgrades: for the purpose of this license, an Upgrade shall be a material amendment in The Software, which contains new features and or major performance improvements and shall be marked as a new version number. For example, should Licensee purchase The Software under version 1.X.X, an upgrade shall commence under number 2.0.0. Updates: for the purpose of this license, an update shall be a minor amendment in The Software, which may contain new features or minor improvements and shall be marked as a new sub-version number. For example, should Licensee purchase The Software under version 1.1.X, an upgrade shall commence under number 1.2.0. Fix: for the purpose of this license, a fix shall be a minor amendment in The Software, intended to remove bugs or alter minor features which impair the The Software's functionality. A fix shall be marked as a new sub-sub-version number. For example, should Licensee purchase Software under version 1.1.1, an upgrade shall commence under number 1.1.2. Support: Software is provided under an AS-IS basis and without any support, updates or maintenance. Nothing in this Agreement shall require Licensor to provide Licensee with support or fixes to any bug, failure, mis-performance or other defect in The Software. Bug Notification: Licensee may provide Licensor of details regarding any bug, defect or failure in The Software promptly and with no delay from such event; Licensee shall comply with Licensor's request for information regarding bugs, defects or failures and furnish him with information, screenshots and try to reproduce such bugs, defects or failures. Feature Request: Licensee may request additional features in Software, provided, however, that (i) Licesee shall waive any claim or right in such feature should feature be developed by Licensor; (ii) Licensee shall be prohibited from developing the feature, or disclose such feature request, or feature, to any 3rd party directly competing with Licensor or any 3rd party which may be, following the development of such feature, in direct competition with Licensor; (iii) Licensee warrants that feature does not infringe any 3rd party patent, trademark, trade-secret or any other intellectual property right; and (iv) Licensee developed, envisioned or created the feature solely by himself. Liability: To the extent permitted under Law, The Software is provided under an AS-IS basis. Licensor shall never, and without any limit, be liable for any damage, cost, expense or any other payment incurred by Licesee as a result of Software’s actions, failure, bugs and/or any other interaction between The Software and Licesee’s end-equipment, computers, other software or any 3rd party, end-equipment, computer or services. Moreover, Licensor shall never be liable for any defect in source code written by Licensee when relying on The Software or using The Software’s source code. Warranty: Intellectual Property: Licensor hereby warrants that The Software does not violate or infringe any 3rd party claims in regards to intellectual property, patents and/or trademarks and that to the best of its knowledge no legal action has been taken against it for any infringement or violation of any 3rd party intellectual property rights. No-Warranty: The Software is provided without any warranty; Licensor hereby disclaims any warranty that The Software shall be error free, without defects or code which may cause damage to Licensee’s computers or to Licensee, and that Software shall be functional. Licensee shall be solely liable to any damage, defect or loss incurred as a result of operating software and undertake the risks contained in running The Software on License’s Server[s] and Website[s]. Prior Inspection: Licensee hereby states that he inspected The Software thoroughly and found it satisfactory and adequate to his needs, that it does not interfere with his regular operation and that it does meet the standards and scope of his computer systems and architecture. Licensee found that The Software interacts with his development, website and server environment and that it does not infringe any of End User License Agreement of any software Licensee may use in performing his services. Licensee hereby waives any claims regarding The Software's incompatibility, performance, results and features, and warrants that he inspected the Software. No Refunds: Licensee warrants that he inspected The Software according to clause 7(c) and that it is adequate to his needs. Accordingly, as The Software is intangible goods, Licensee shall not be, ever, entitled to any refund, rebate, compensation or restitution for any reason whatsoever, even if The Software contains material flaws. Indemnification: Licensee hereby warrants to hold Licensor harmless and indemnify Licensor for any lawsuit brought against it in regards to Licensee’s use of The Software in means that violate, breach or otherwise circumvent this license, Licensor's intellectual property rights or Licensor's title in The Software. Licensor shall promptly notify Licensee in case of such legal action and request Licensee’s consent prior to any settlement in relation to such lawsuit or claim. Governing Law, Jurisdiction: Licensee hereby agrees not to initiate class-action lawsuits against Licensor in relation to this license and to compensate Licensor for any legal fees, cost or attorney fees should any claim brought by Licensee against Licensor be denied, in part or in full.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetfSystem.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aBj5$this.Icon@ QSystem.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.IconIconDataIconSizeSystem.Drawing.Size System.Drawing.Sizewidthheight ( @ E*߶oրۘ,ۛ)ܞ)ܠ)ܢ(ݣ(CYU2ݤ(v΂ܦ*v5ݧ*w2ݨ*oۢvр ݩ*Tsݪ*]ݫ*ݬ+؝:؞:י;p!D J۶۩̓\ʇYb۪ע۪G՜ڪOPb!.f}vB BSJB v4.0.30319l)#~ *)#StringsT.#US,#GUID<P #BlobW %3D) _( T*  *B-o" L---",_ ---`--~-: + d K  +  - +    k+ VA-7-- F* *  :'Re'   '(L:u  Y c c>-Z- + + + + G-R-j+ t+ --g-- [ _ n n n N Z g '+ 6Qc--K t +  +  -  ! y! ! ! ! !!! 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InstallerPolarity Installer.exeTWBP_Installer.Resources.resourcesTWBP_Installer.Main.resourcesTWBP_Installer.DotNet4NotInstalled.resourcesTWBP_Installer.TaC.resourcesTWBP_Installer.TWBPProgressBar.resourcesTWBP_Installer.Finish.resourcesTWBP_Installer.MainWindow.resourcesGProperty can only be set to Nothing9WinForms_RecursiveFormCreate5WinForms_SeeInnerExceptionSegoe UI Label2.NET Framework 4 is not installed. Please install it using the button below.Button1KDownload and Install .NET Framework 4ProgressBar1$this.Icon'DotNet4NotInstalled;Polarity requirements not metWaiting...k;dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exeiSOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\ClientThe system has detected that .NET Framework 4 is still not installed. Make sure the installation is finished before retrying. ErrorThe system has detected that .NET Framework 4 is now successfully installed. Click OK to proceed to TWBP's installation.Success/Downloading installer ( \ ) RetryoPlease press "Retry" when the installation is finished.D bytesN KB MB GB ERROR#EDEDEDSegoe UI Light#FinishStatusLabelSPolarity has been successfully installed.CheckBox1ORun Polarity when the installer closes. Finish#2E2E30Polarity has not been installed successfully. Please run this program with administrative rights and try again.\Polarity Label1'Install to: Unknown%Segoe UI Semilight Label39Copyright 2015 Stanley LimStatusLabelOne of the requirements has not been met: you need Windows XP or above to run Polarity. Change Label5#Overall progress: Label6File progress:PolarityButton2Install7PictureBox1.BackgroundImagePictureBox1!TwbpProgressBar2!TwbpProgressBar1 MainInstall to: ySOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PolarityPolarity is already installed on this computer, but you are able to reinstall if files are damaged.cInstallation finished: Installation unsuccessfulCritical Error \bin\configeGetting file listings... This may take some time.{[bin].txt#\listing[bin].ini[config].txt)\listing[config].ini/[Polarity File Listing]Cannot get file listings. Your internet connection might be down or Polarity's server is unreachable.cDownloading Polarity... This may take some time.Installing...[Installing files... 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Please look at the requirements in the bottom right corner.%Polarity Installer TaC1 Main1Finish1MainWindow!Install Polarity\polarity.exePolarity.exe\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION1TWBP_Installer.Resources_default_default1_default2blockedcgi_error_404'cgi_error_bad_param%cgi_error_disabledcgi_error_file1cgi_error_file_read_only%cgi_error_modifiedcgi_error_parsecgi_style configconnect_failed%connection_timeout3edit_actions_add_url_form)edit_actions_for_url7edit_actions_for_url_filter#edit_actions_list1edit_actions_list_button3edit_actions_list_section7edit_actions_list_selection+edit_actions_list_url9edit_actions_remove_url_form+edit_actions_url_formfavicon#forwarding_failedLICENSEmatch_all mgwzmod_local_help/mod_support_and_servicemod_title)mod_unstable_warningno_server_datano_such_domainprivoxyprivoxy_cleanseprivoxy1show_requestshow_status!show_status_fileshow_url_infoshow_version#Spanish_resources toggletoggle_mini trustuntrustedurl_info_osd user user1II agree to the terms and conditions.License termsContinueTextBox1TextBox1.TextwYou must agree to the following terms in order to continue.TaC Panel1)Loading framework...TWBPProgressBar#879AAB#0066C1lBZTFŻ z\V4?_ :       , ,   ,0    ( (, ( !% % %) ) )- - - 1 59 5=   A E(%()(-M M M(MQ Q QD D DU U U    (Q(D(U$ $ $( ( (@ @ @Y]\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION 0 aeii aei($(((@0ququuyquy8188  (   (((      MyTemplate10.0.0.0  My.Application My.User My.Forms My.ComputerMy.WebServices    ,,        XSystem.Windows.Forms.FormCreate__Instance__Dispose__Instance__My.MyProject.Formsa4System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocolCreate__Instance__Dispose__Instance__  9 =    i i           !%    -i 1 e 5 yi    %) 99- A E I U Y  M ] = = ei5= q    ai ProgressBar1 Label2 Button1  i    Mi CheckBox1FinishStatusLabel   QDU               Y      0YYYYYYYYY  555               Label1 PictureBox1 Button2 Label3TwbpProgressBar2TwbpProgressBar1 Label6 Label5 StatusLabelFolderBrowserDialog1 $(@0   Yii   Y     =q= ! 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